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Sumner Evans edited this page Mar 21, 2024 · 2 revisions

Flex provides a light (default) and dark theme. Optionally, Flex can automatically detect the color theme preference set by the user's browser/OS and can allow the user to switch the theme manually.

Configuration Overview

  • THEME_COLOR (either "light" (default) or "dark"): the default theme to use when the user/browser/OS does not override it.
  • THEME_COLOR_AUTO_DETECT_BROWSER_PREFERENCE (bool): set to True if you want Flex to auto-detect the user's browser/OS color scheme preference and use the appropriate theme.
  • THEME_COLOR_ENABLE_USER_OVERRIDE (bool): set to True if you want Flex to provide links in the footer of the page for the user to override the theme.
  • PYGMENTS_STYLE_DARK (str, fallback to PYGMENTS_STYLE or monokai): select a Pygments style to use in dark mode.

Example Configuration

This config will make Flex use the dark theme by default, but will respect the browser/OS color scheme preference, and allow the user to override the theme. It will also use the emacs Pygments theme in light mode, but the monokai theme in dark mode.

THEME_COLOR = 'dark'


Example of site that is using this configuration: (I'm using a different theme now)

Browser Support

  • The THEME_COLOR_AUTO_DETECT_BROWSER_PREFERENCE setting relies on the prefers-color-scheme media query. The latest releases of all major browsers except for Internet Explorer this (Can I use).
  • JavaScript is not required for the THEME_COLOR, THEME_COLOR_AUTO_DETECT_BROWSER_PREFERENCE, and PYGMENTS_STYLE settings to work. (Only the media query is used.)
  • JavaScript is required for the THEME_COLOR_ENABLE_USER_OVERRIDE to work.