The purpose of this project is to show the structure and different key concept of Vue.js framework. I use the example of a resume to create a basic App using functionalities of modern Javascript framework.
This project is using the following concept and technologies:
- Compiled with Webpack (Base on boilerplate:
- SCSS supported by a BEM nomenclature.
- Semantic HTML5 (could be improve tho)
- VueJS as a framework and a Linter (using Airbnb standard)
Regarding the versioning please refer to the package.json
At the moment the project doesn't have any mobile / tablet adaptation. I know mobile first... but I wanted to focus on a desktop approach and make a first visual. It has only been tested on Chrome 67.0. It should work on all recent browser version but haven't done it yet.
Not defined yet
- GSAP library is used to make some background animation timeline (
In the src
repository you will find the followings:
which only include the general css files at the moment.variable.scss
contains the spacing / colors / breakpoints rules according to a potential styleguidecomponents
contains all the Vue componentconfig
contains the data of the components (replace the data base) and also pictures used in the approuter
contains the file describing the routing of the App
You can Fork the project and run it on your machine.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.