A progressive Node.js Solana trading bot API for automatic trading on the Raydium exchange.
Solana Crendel Bot API, created by Nestjs, Typescript, Nodejs. Trading bot tracks new tokens pools on Raydium, buys tokens and sells them.
- Token checks: freezeAuthority, mintAuthority, is not initialized, etc.
- Advanced tokens selling: additional attempts to sell at the error.
- RIch logs in the console.
- Option: LP burned check.
- Option: selling timeout.
- Nodejs v.21.x
$ npm install
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
- Creat and setup the config(.env file) in the project root.
- Run the app by
npm run start
command. - Use the endpoints to control, send any POST requests to:
- http://localhost:3000/api/monitor/start for start
- http://localhost:3000/api/monitor/stop for stop(all current tokens will be processed, new tokens will be stopped monitored).
- Check logs in a console.
See .env.example Create .env file in the project root near the env.example and write the config from .env.example on it.
MAX_LAMPORTS = max transaction fee for each TX(150000 ~= 0.000155 SOL)
MAX_RETRIES = max retries to send a new token
TOKEN_AA_ADDRESS = Solana address by default is "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112", do not touch it
TOKEN_AA_DECIMALS = Solana decimals by default is "9", do not touch it
TOKEN_AA_AMOUNT = the SOL amount for which new tokens should be purchased
TX_DIRECTION = transaction direction by default is "in", do not touch it
SELLING_TIMEOUT = time to sell a new token(1000 = 1sec)
IS_BURNED_CHECK = use LP burned check for new tokens
SOLANA_RPC_URL = https://mainnet.helius-rpc.com/?api-key=YOUR_API_KEY
SOLANA_WS_URL = wss://mainnet.helius-rpc.com/?api-key=YOUR_API_KEY
PAYER_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY = Your Solana wallet private key like: "wG7LPvk...Z6gSEeZ". Tokens will be bought/sold from this wallet, also paid fee.
APP_PORT = port on which the application will run
- Don't use free RPC nodes.
- Try increasing fees(MAX_LAMPORTS) to increase the prioritization of your transactions.
- When setting a timeout for token sales, please note that sending and confirming the transaction will take time too.
Solana Crendel Bot is an MIT-licensed open source project, you can say thanks here:
Paid premium support from the bot author by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]
- Docker support: soon...
- Jito bundles support: soon...
- Author - Alexandr Kazakov
- Website - https://alexkazakov.info
Solana Crendel Bot is MIT licensed.