This is a Red Hat OpenShift Data Access demo that is built with Node JS to demonstrate the Service Binding feature that is available in OpenShift. The application is built with a set endpoints over REST. It's aalso a great way to find out how to avoid Scurvy.
- Node JS to buid the REST endpoints
- Connection pool to connect to PostgreSQL
- docker to start up a PostgreSQL database system
- Docker
- Node JS
- OpenShift (not available yet)
- install all necessary node components
npm i
- start a PostgreSQL database system using docker images
docker-compose -f docker-compose up
- login to your PostgreSQL database system
docker exec -t pg_container bash
- insert fruits into you PostgreSQL database
INSERT INTO fruit(id, name) VALUES ('1', 'Cherry');
INSERT INTO fruit(id, name) VALUES ('2', 'Apple');
INSERT INTO fruit(id, name) VALUES ('3', 'Banana');
- start up your server (should launch website)
node server.js
- connect index.html with queries.js
- add OpenShift connectivity
- add Cyber Ark connectivity to keep secrets encrypted