A functional clone of Stack Overflow.
Run $ bundle install
Run $ bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
to compile vendor asset pipeline
Run $ rake db:setup
or $ rake db:create:all
To run Capybara tests in Chrome instead of its default browser (Firefox), see testing section at bottom.
- Create schema as a group
- Any modifications to the schema should be decided as a group
- Create MVC skeleton
- Delegate responsibilities and make a contract as to what the expected data structure will look like between them; use mocks/stubs until feature team receives real data
Each contributor forks from DBC Overflow master
Create new branch for each feature or bug fix on your fork
Commit changes to your local repo (Git)
-- $git commit -m "message"
- Rebase from DBC Overflow master (for most accurate commit history)
-- $git pull --rebase upstream master
- Push your feature branch to your fork
-- $git push origin feature-branch-name
- Submit a pull request to Stack Overflow master on Github
-- Someone who did not write your code should review your code and merge
To make Chrome the default browser for Capybara instead of Firefox
Move extracted chromedriver
to /usr/bin/
and make executable by running:
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/chromedriver
Please thank our well-respected developers:
- Beverly Mah
- Christine Feaster
- Siyan Beverly
- Alexander Frankel
- Neal Fennimore
- Reid Covington
- Insung Lee
- Justin Phelps