It is an archive of solutions for the collection of task from Akvelon based on Code Wars tasks
List of task
- Duplicate Encoder (Solved on C++)
- Find the missing letter (Solved on C++)
- Moving Zeros To The End (Solved on C#)
- Convert string to camel case (Solved on C++)
- Sum of Digits / Digital Root (Solved on Python)
- Build Tower (Solved on C++)
- Array Deep Count (Solved on C#)
- Permutations (Solved on C++)
- Flatten a Nested Map (Solved on JavaScript)
- Sum of Intervals (Solved on C++)
- Anagram difference (Solved on Python)
- Sum of Pairs (Solved on Python)
- Valid Parentheses (Solved on Python)
- Product of consecutive Fib numbers (Solved on C++)
- Where my anagrams at? (Solved on Python)
- Snail (Solved on C++)
- Adding Big Numbers (Solved on C#)
- Simple Pig Latin (Solved on Python)
- Merge two arrays (Solved on JavaScript)
- Fun with trees: max sum (Solved on C++)
- Linked Lists - Sorted Insert (Solved on Python)
- Tic-Tac-Toe Checker (Solved on C#)
- MIT license
- Copyright 2020 © Smolyakov Alexander