This module allows you to easily make calls to IFTTT (see
Webhooks are passed as SSL encrypted JSON payloads.
Install the package with npm:
npm i ifttt-webhook-resolver
IFTTT requires that the payloads are formatted as shown below:
payload : {
value1 : "String",
value2 : "String",
value3 : "String"
As of April 2019, webhooks are limited to three value fields.
For more information about IFTTT webhooks visit the docs here:
For your API key, visit this link:
The API key is shown in the URL field
URL < Your API Key is Here >
Install the module with
npm install ifttt-webhook-resolver
You can then add the following line to the top of any node.js module:
const ifttt = require('ifttt-webhook-resolver')
You can now call IFTTT webhooks by passing an array of values to the resolve call as shown in the example below.
var ifttt = require('ifttt-webhook-resolver')
webhookAction = "test"
apikey = "< key from 1. above >"
data = [
], apiKey, data).then(function (result) {
The function will return a payload formatted as shown below:
result: {
success: < true / false >,
result: < return data from IFTTT >