#Thanks a thanks to https://github.com/Alejandroacho/DockerizedAppTemplate for the docker template
All we be in one Docker container that will be already setted up to just start With ths hyper wiki
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
- Python3
- Django
Go to root content folder.
Bring up the docker container running:
docker-compose up
go to http://localhost:8000/ the rest of the documention can be found there
go to http://localhost:5000/ please give time for it to connfiger and load
go to add a database named app1 by clicking new
import into that database the app1 sql file
open test.html and look at the console log
The best way to scail is to go horizontally Redirect each request to for a newpage to random server all pointing to same sql database cluster. When scailing the DB Note that the underling data stuchture is a hash table.