Full CV as PDF
I am a professor of Linguisics at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Before coming to Jerusalem in 2018, I was an Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessorin) for typology and linguistic variance at the Department of General Linguistics at the University of Kiel.
Before that I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Leipzig and at the University of Zurich.
I received my PhD from the University of Leipzig in 2011. I wrote my thesis on Typological variation in grammatical relations with Balthasar Bickel and Johanna Nichols.
I worked on various aspects of the typology of grammatical relations. These are some of the outcomes:
- my PhD thesis Typological variation in grammatical relations (2011)
- a co-edited volume with a useful introductory chapter Argument selectors: A new perspective on grammatical relations (2019, with Balthasar Bickel)
- a co-edited volume with a state-of-the art overview of differential argument marking Diachrony of differential argument marking (2019, with Ilja A. Seržant)
- another co-edited volume on Antipassive: typology, diachrony, and related constructions (2021)
- In January 2025 me and Saudah Namyalo (Makerere University) are embarking on a new documentation project funded by ELDP. We will work on Documentation and description of the linguistic repertoires, culture, and oral tradition of the Nsua of Semuliki Forest
- Together with Saudah Namyalo (Makerere University) and a number of colleague, I worked on the documentation of the previously not described language Ruuli. We published this grammar sketch and a dicitonary, as well as a number of papers on various topics of Ruuli morphosyntax.
I worked on two so-called Khoisan languages and on the typology of the Kalahari Basin Languages more generally.
- Towards a phonological typology of the Kalahari Basin Area languages is the most recent paper on the Kalahari Basin Area.
- In 2021-2024 I was running the ISF-funded project Peripheral Khoekhoe varieties: A comprehensive documentation and description. We are working on the first papers from this project. We contributed a valency dataset to the BiValTyp project.
- I am a co-depositor of the documentation collection Text documentation of Nǀuu (or Nǁng or ǂKhomani) at Endangered Languages Archive.