#Choose My Band
This was our first project at iOS development. Here we learned how don't create an iOS app haha!
I'm kidding, here we learned a lot of important thinks, like:
Please, use interface builder.
Please, use CocoaPods.
Please, check if a library that you're using is up-to-date or it's was discontinued.
Please, build a design focused in an application.
Choose My Band is an app developed by the team Alcivanio, Bruno Lima, José Lucas. The app is an social network that alows the users to share theirs SoundCloud musics.
#Team contacts
Facebook: https://fb.com/alcivanio
LinkedIn: https://br.linkedin.com/in/alcivanio
##Bruno Lima
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brunolimaa13
E-mail:[email protected]
##José Lucas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008603018305
E-mail:[email protected]