Tinyserve is a simple multi-threaded web server written in Rust. It serves the specified web root at the specified address.
tinyserve [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-v Use -v for verbose output.
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --address <> Sets the IPv4 address to bind to. Default is or localhost.
-p, --port <8000> Sets the port on the specified address. Default is 8000.
-r, --webroot <directory_with_html> Sets the web root for the server. index.html is loaded from this directory.
Default is ~/.config/tinyserve.
Your web root directory must contain at the very least, a file called 404.html. Tinyserve will crash if this file is not present. If there is no index.html to serve for a GET /
request, Tinyserve will fall back to 404.html.
There is an example HTML site included with this repo, copy it to your ~/.config/tinyserve
, the default web root, and give it a try. The default address is localhost:8000.
This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. This software is distributed with absolutely no warranty.