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wbt5#471 更新虎牙
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Albert PKZ committed Jun 7, 2024
1 parent b6daf0a commit 78cd892
Showing 1 changed file with 121 additions and 46 deletions.
167 changes: 121 additions & 46 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,58 +1,133 @@
# 获取虎牙直播的真实流媒体地址。

import json
import requests
import re
import base64
import urllib.parse
import hashlib
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlencode, unquote
from datetime import datetime
import random
import time
import traceback

class HuYa:
def __init__(self, room_id: str):
self.room_id = room_id

def get_anonymous_uid(self):
data = {
"appId": 5002,
"byPass": 3,
"context": "",
"version": "2.4",
"data": {}
url = ""
resp =, json=data, timeout=5)
return resp.json()["data"]["uid"]
except requests.RequestException as e:
raise ConnectionError(f"获取匿名UID失败: {e}")

def get_uuid():
now = * 1000
rand = random.randint(0, 1000) | 0
return int((now % 10000000000 * 1000 + rand) % 4294967295)

def process_anticode(self, anticode, uid, streamname):
url_query = dict(parse_qs(anticode))
platform_id = 102 # web = 100, mobile = 103
url_query['ctype'][0] = 'tars_mp'
uid = int(uid)
convert_uid = (uid << 8 | uid >> (32 - 8)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
ws_time = url_query['wsTime'][0]
seq_id = uid + int(time.time() * 1000)
ws_secret_prefix = base64.b64decode(unquote(url_query['fm'][0]).encode()).decode().split('_')[0]
ws_secret_hash = hashlib.md5(f"{seq_id}|{url_query['ctype'][0]}|{platform_id}".encode()).hexdigest()
ws_secret = hashlib.md5(f'{ws_secret_prefix}_{convert_uid}_{streamname}_{ws_secret_hash}_{ws_time}'.encode()).hexdigest()

query_dict = {
"ctype": url_query['ctype'][0],
"fs": url_query['fs'][0],
"sv": 2401090219,
"ver": 1,
"seqid": seq_id,
"uid": convert_uid,
"uuid": self.get_uuid(),
"wsSecret": ws_secret,
"wsTime": ws_time,
"t": platform_id,
# -- Attributes below are optional
"sdk_sid": int(time.time() * 1000),
"codec": "264",
"sphdDC": "huya",
"exsphd": url_query['exsphd'][0],
"sphd": url_query['sphd'][0],
"sphdcdn": url_query['sphdcdn'][0],

def live(e):
i, b = e.split('?')
r = i.split('/')
s = re.sub(r'.(flv|m3u8)', '', r[-1])
c = b.split('&', 3)
c = [i for i in c if i != '']
n = {i.split('=')[0]: i.split('=')[1] for i in c}
fm = urllib.parse.unquote(n['fm'])
u = base64.b64decode(fm).decode('utf-8')
p = u.split('_')[0]
f = str(int(time.time() * 1e7))
l = n['wsTime']
t = '0'
h = '_'.join([p, t, s, f, l])
m = hashlib.md5(h.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
y = c[-1]
url = "{}?wsSecret={}&wsTime={}&u={}&seqid={}&{}".format(i, m, l, t, f, y)
return url

def get_real_url(room_id):
room_url = '' + str(room_id)
return urlencode(query_dict)

def get_stream_info(self, info):
stream_info = dict({'flv': {}, 'hls': {}})
cdn_map = dict({'AL': '阿里', 'TX': '腾讯', 'HW': '华为', 'HS': '火山', 'WS': '网宿', 'HY': '虎牙'})
uid = self.get_anonymous_uid()

streams = info.get("roomInfo", {}).get("tLiveInfo", {}).get("tLiveStreamInfo", {}).get("vStreamInfo", {}).get("value", [])
for s in streams:
cdn_type = cdn_map.get(s["sCdnType"], s["sCdnType"])
if s["sFlvUrl"]:
url = s["sFlvUrl"].replace('http://', 'https://')
stream_info["flv"][cdn_type] = "{}/{}.{}?{}".format(
url, s["sStreamName"], s["sFlvUrlSuffix"], self.process_anticode(s["sFlvAntiCode"], uid, s["sStreamName"])
if s["sHlsUrl"]:
url = s["sHlsUrl"].replace('http://', 'https://')
stream_info["hls"][cdn_type] = "{}/{}.{}?{}".format(
url, s["sStreamName"], s["sHlsUrlSuffix"], self.process_anticode(s["sHlsAntiCode"], uid, s["sStreamName"]))
return stream_info

def get_real_url(self):
room_url = '' + str(self.room_id)
header = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900P Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
'Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Mobile Safari/537.36 '
'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900P Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
'Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Mobile Safari/537.36 '
response = requests.get(url=room_url, headers=header).text
liveLineUrl = re.findall(r'"liveLineUrl":"([\s\S]*?)",', response)[0]
liveline = base64.b64decode(liveLineUrl).decode('utf-8')
if liveline:
if 'replay' in liveline:
return '直播录像:' + liveline
response = requests.get(url=room_url, headers=header, timeout=10).text
match ='\s*<script>\s*window.HNF_GLOBAL_INIT\s*=\s*(\{.*?\})\s*</script>', response, re.DOTALL)
if not match:
return {"errors": "虎牙响应格式已更改"}

room_info_str =
# Remove js functions
room_info_str = re.sub(r'function\s*\([^{]*\{[^}]*\}', '""', room_info_str)
room_info = json.loads(room_info_str)
if "roomInfo" not in room_info:
return {"errors": f"直播间({self.room_id})不存在"}

live_status = room_info["roomInfo"].get("eLiveStatus")
if live_status == 2:
return self.get_stream_info(room_info)
elif live_status == 3:
return "https:{}".format(base64.b64decode(room_info["roomProfile"]["liveLineUrl"]).decode('utf-8'))
liveline = live(liveline)
real_url = ("https:" + liveline).replace("hls", "flv").replace("m3u8", "flv")
real_url = '未开播或直播间不存在'
real_url = '未开播或直播间不存在'
return real_url

rid = input('输入虎牙直播房间号:\n')
real_url = get_real_url(rid)
return {"errors": f"直播间({self.room_id})未开播"}
except requests.RequestException as e:
return {"errors": f"获取虎牙real url时出错: {e}"}
except Exception:
return {"errors": f"处理响应时出错: {traceback.format_exc()}"}

if __name__ == '__main__':
room_id = input('输入虎牙直播房间号:\n')
huya = HuYa(room_id)
real_url = huya.get_real_url()
print(json.dumps(real_url, ensure_ascii=False))

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