// start
npx expo start
// start with ... simulator
npx expo start --ios
// start clear cache
npx expo start --clear
// 在安装配置了react-native-google-mobile-ads后,启动命令:
npx expo run:ios
// prebuild后,清除缓存启动命令:
<!-- npx expo run --clean -->
vscode插件: Expo Tools
- Expo 不用再执行pod install
- Path alias
修改app.json(sdk > 49 后不需要)
"expo": {
"experiments": {
"tsconfigPaths": true
"compilerOptions": {
"strict": true,
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@components/*": [
"@constants/*": [
"@assets/*": [
- Admob组件后续
再也不能用expo go运行了
# For iOS
npx expo prebuild
npx expo run:ios
# For Android
npx expo prebuild
npx expo run:android
- 对于定制化原生组件
// Re-run npx expo prebuild to sync the changes before rebuilding the native app. This process often involves tasks like adding required permissions to the AndroidManifest.xml or Info.plist.
npx expo prebuild
// For complex plugins, consider running npx expo prebuild --clean. This command will delete and re-generate the native directories from scratch.
npx expo prebuild --clean
- 找不到默认页面///的问题
// 来自expo官网
// 不能随便改index的名字
When a file is created in the app directory, it automatically becomes a route in the app. For example, the following files will create the following routes:
app/index.js matches /
app/home.js matches /home
app/settings/index.js matches /settings
app/[user].js matches dynamic paths like /expo or /evanbacon
- 启动时找不到ios模拟器问题
// 用xcode打开运行一次,就恢复了(已经prebuild的情况)