I developed this role as a quick template for validating Jinja2 filters within an Ansible role. This is basically an implametation of the excelent article on Das Blinken Lichten
While there are probaly simpler ways to test jinja2 filters, I'm currently using them in Ansible, so I built a quick test infrastructure around it using Molecule.
To run the test framework you will need :
- Ansible
- Molecule
- Docker
(TODO: Test on a blank machine to see if anything is missing. Add a way to self install)
The role has no variables. It only contains filters in the filter_plugins
By including the role, the filter is loaded and can be used.
- hosts: servers
- role: jinja2-ansible-test
TODO: Confirm this.
The framework uses molecule to build and test the different use cases for the role. As stated above, I'm sure there is a better way to test Jinja2 filters, it is just that I have been using molecule to test things.
Overall testing is done by molecule test
The individual steps are molecule create
to create the docker image,
,molecule converge
to run molecule/default/playbook.yml
against the image
, and molecule verify
to run the tests against the image.
The test cases need to be written into
the molecule/default/test/test_default.py
using the TestInfra framework.
Author of the filter : JON LANGEMAK ( http://www.dasblinkenlichten.com/ ) Author of the role/test framework: Alain Chiasson ( https://github.com/alainchiasson/jinja2-ansible-test )