This library turns a traditional navigation per page, by using ajax navigation tabs in javascript. All pages changes are in tabs (except specific configuration, see below). The mechanism intercepts all links and submit of pages (unless excluded, see below).
See documentation:
- Opened in JS tab (same or new) the next page
- Use the HTML5's history object (for the browser previous / next buttons)
- Automatically reopens tabs of the previous navigation (using localeStorage)
- Remove the tabs saved after a logout
- Merges <script>, <style> and <head> elements when loading a new page (lazy loading)
- Runs inline Javascript on the page (Keeps events and DOM changes)
- Keyboard navigation between tabs with shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + left / right arrow
- Allow to display page in modal
- Managing the server error page (500) for display in errors
- Can refresh one or more tabs / subparts tabs
- Closing a tab after a form validation
Open next page in JS tab
<a class="tab" href="/index">Welcome</a>
Open page in JS modal (on the target page)