Spikeball Scheduling Stuff
To run this, first open Terminal (spotlight search).
Run the following code:
pip3 install python3
Let me know if you have any problems at this stage.
pip3 install names
git clone https://github.com/akshay-seetharam/Spikeball
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Permit any confirmation/security messages.
cd Spikeball
python3 spikeball_groups.py
It will prompt you to enter the number of teams per group. By default, there are 80 teams in teams.txt
, so make sure the number of teams per group is a factor of 80.
It will print a schedule below two "------------------" lines
If you have any errors, open an issue, email me, or text if you have my number.
In a text editor of your choosing, simply open teams.txt
or timeslots.txt
and write the timeslots you prefer. Teams/timeslots should be separated by line breaks. If you want to programmatically generate teams/timeslots, customize one of the generator.*.py
files and run it with python3 generator.*.py
⏎. Then run python3 spikeball_groups.py
⏎ as usual.
Note that the Colab version works slightly differently, though the underlying logic is the same. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/14SJmi1vpFIDzbXLl4_X3YzuPN2O7_on6#scrollTo=e5be1e6f