Discovery Logic for Playlists based on the tags.
clone the repository.
create the virtual environment using command -
virtualenv <name of the environment>
Activate the virtual environment using command -
source <name of the environment>/bin/activate
Install all the required packages by running command -
pip install -r requirements.txt
I tried dumping and undumping data in .sql file but got some errors. So one must have to do some work to give some data to the system::
a) create a database named "tracks". b) Go to the settings file in the project and update your mysql user and password.
DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'tracks', 'USER': 'root', 'PASSWORD': 'alpha123', 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': '', }, }
c) After updating mysql user and password sync the databases using command - python migrate
Run the server by managemant command - python runserver
Now it's time to populate the database. I have created two extra APIs to post playlists and tags directly from the browser::
For Adding new PlayLists hit the API - localhost:8000/api/playlists/playlists/ This API will list all the playlists in the system and one can also add new playlists into the system. For adding new tags hit the API - localhost:8000/api/playlists/tags/ This API will list all the tags in the system and one can also add new tags into the system.
I have kept the relationship between Tags and PlayLists as flexible. I did not define an end-point API for creating relationships between these. This can be done by inserting some entries into the playlists_playlist_tags in the tracks database as this table contains the entries for many to many relationship between Playlists and tags.
IMPORTANT - Every time you add new Tag instances, you have to push Tag indices to the AWS instance by using management command - python update_index
For Search API - hit the URL
. For Ex. -http://localhost:8000/api/search/playlists/?q=poprock
. here pop and rock are the two tag_names. This API will return the lists of playlists based on relevancy and sorted on basis of configuration 'ORGANIZE_BY' parameter in
Detail of any PlayList can also be viewed via URL - http://localhost:8000/api/playlists/playlists/<playlist_id>/ where playlist_id can be unique id of any playlist in the system.
For ex - http://localhost:8000/api/playlists/playlists/1/ returned on my system -
Content - Type: application / json
Vary: Accept
"playlist_id": 1,
"playlist_name": "Led Zeppelin",
"likes": 10,
"plays": 3
Similarily Detail of any Tag can also be viewed via URL - http://localhost:8000/api/playlists/playlists/<tag_id>/ where tag_id can be unique_id of any Tag in the system.
Methodology Used -
I have used the concept of Elastic Search and exposing APIs using django-rest-framework. Elastic search is used to do fast searching.
I have used a AWS Elastic search instance as a remote server for hosting elastic search. The index name is haystack and it stores the indices of Tag model. You can thus do a query search on thousand of tags.