This project aims to provide a Artificial Intelligence solution to recognize Handwritten Digits. The program builds and trains two different convolutional neual networks and gives a prediction based on a user-drawn digit. The models are trained using the MNIST dataset, and the interface is developed in Python with PyQt for an easy GUI for user interaction
Authors: Team 28 (Julia Shan, Akash Ashok)
- Version 1.2 -Required libraries and packages: refer to requirement.txt -Program executes from -This version contains two convolutional neural network models, one based on the existing Lenet model and another custom model. -Progress bar implemented with multi-threading allowing download and train actions to run while progress bar updates. -Drawing canvas fitted on the prediction window; the prediction bar graph is implemented to diplay class probabilities -Training and testing image sets can be viewed -The model accuracies are displayed on textbrowser when model is trained
- Version 1.1 -Required libraries and packages: refer to requirement.txt -Program executes from -This version contains two convolutional neural network models, one based on the existing Lenet model and another custom model. -This version contains a progress bar on the training window -The drawing canvas is on a separate window to the prediction window -Training and testing image sets can be viewed
- Version 1.0 -Required libraries and packages: refer to requirement.txt -Program executed from -This version contains one convolutional network model.
- Install Python 3.8
- Install miniconda3
- Install PyQt5
- Install required packages (refer to requirement.txt)
- Run
- To open the training window, click 'File' and then'Train Model'
- To download the dataset, click 'Download MNIST'
- To train the model and view accuracy, click 'Train'
- To cancel downloading or training, click 'Cancel'
- To view images from the training set, click 'View' then 'View Training Images'
- To view images from the training set, click 'View' then 'View Testing Images'
- To view next page of images click 'Next'
- To view previous page of images click 'Previous'
- To open prediction window, click 'Test' then 'Predict Model'
- To recognise drawn digit on canvas click 'Recognize'
- To clear drawn digit on canvas click 'Clear'
- To select model choose between the 'CNN' and 'Lenet' buttons
- To exit the program, click 'File' then 'Quit' in the main window, or type 'Ctrl + Q'
- The dataset is saved in /dataset
- The images from the dataset are save in /images/test and /images/train. Do not delete the .keep files as it creates the directory for the images to be saved
- The trained models are saved in /scripts/results
- The user-drawn digit is saved as a png in /scripts/results