Please visit below repo for updated version with ansible2 and without roles. This is simpler than the current one.
Global Variables: filename: <playbook_dir>/group_vars/all
Specify application name i.e CS, GOLD, GEMS Ex- app_name: CS
Specify JVMS to start/stop. For stage "ALL" option is default. For Live choose from below incase sensitive options: ALL = All JVMs in a domain NODE_ALL = ALL JVMs in a domain per machine L1 = Lane 1 JVMS in a domain per machine L2 = Lane 2 JVMS in a domain per machine
Specify sudo user & group. Ex- oracle_user: website oracle_group: website
Specify Oracle Weblogic version to patch oracle_version: 12130
Specify RollOut Patch Month Ex- patch_name: APR2018
Specify RollBack Patch Month Ex- patch_name_rollback: JAN2018
Specify below variable to True to kick off Patch Rollback else default should be False. Ex- rollback_psu: True
- Patch Live Env with debug enabled. To enable debug remove "--skip-tags debug" from below command. Below command will perform following functions: a) stop MS if running (Role=ms_stop_role) b) stop NM if running (Role=nm_stop_role) c) stop Admin if running (Role=admin_stop_role) d) patch servers if running (Role=patch) e) start NM if not running (Role=nm_start_role) f) start Admin if not running (Role=admin_start_role) g) start MS if not running (Role=ms_start_role)
COMMAND=ansible-playbook live_site.yml -i inventory/live/hosts --skip-tags debug
- Run any of the specific function from above like stop MS only try below command.
COMMAND=ansible-playbook live_site.yml -i inventory/live/hosts --tags ms_stop_role --skip-tags debug
- Patch Live Env with debug enabled. To enable debug remove "--skip-tags debug" from below command.
COMMAND=ansible-playbook stage_site.yml -i inventory/stage/hosts --skip-tags debug
- Run any of the specific function from above like stop MS only try below command.
COMMAND=ansible-playbook stage_site.yml -i inventory/stage/hosts --tags ms_stop_role --skip-tags debug COMMAND=ansible-playbook stage_site.yml -i inventory/stage/hosts --tags ms_start_role --skip-tags debug