The Motorcycle Club Website is a platform designed for motorcycle enthusiasts to explore and share their passion. The application features photo albums showcasing club events and activities, with an admin panel for managing the content.
- Photo Albums: Users can browse and view photo albums of motorcycle club events
- Admin Panel: Only administrators can upload, edit, or delete albums and pictures, ensuring content quality and management.
- User Authentication: Secure sign-up and log-in features powered by NextAuth to protect user data and access.
- Next.js: A powerful React framework for building server-rendered applications and static websites, optimized for performance and SEO.
- JavaScript & React: JavaScript is used with React to create interactive and dynamic UI components.
- TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework that allows for rapid UI development with custom designs.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine, used to manage server-side operations and handle quiz logic.
- Express.js: A flexible Node.js web application framework that simplifies the process of building robust and scalable web applications.
- MongoDB: to store and manage user data, albums, and image.
- NextAuth: A secure authentication solution for Next.js applications, handling sign-up, log-in, and session management.
Amazon S3: Used for storing and managing images securely in the cloud.
You can view a live demo of the Quiz Game Website at the following link: