This is an event portal for TinkerHub GCEK where students can view and register for the events.
This website has functionalities like event creation, event updation, event deletion, checking all events, registering for events and retrieve the student details.
You can try this website
Team Members & GitHub ID:
- Aiswarya Saji (@aiswaryasaji)
- Joylin Ancy (@joylinancy)
How it works:
- Only admin can login to the dashboard.
- Admin can create, edit, delete events & can view the details of registered students.
- Students can view the details of events & can register for events.
Libraries Used:
- HTML & CSS for frontend.
- Django framework (Python) for backend.
How to configure:(Windows)
- Install latest version of python. (We used version 3.9.6)
- Open CMD (Command Prompt)
- Create a new folder in Desktop (or anywhere you prefer)
- Go to the newly created directory & install virtual environment using the command python -m venv name_of_virtual_environment
- Activate virtual environnment using the command Scripts\activate.bat
- Install django using pip install django
- Create first django project using django-admin startproject project_name
- To run, python runserver
- To create app, python startapp app_name
- And start coding:)
How to run:
- Clone this Repo
- Go to Project Directory cd TinkerHub-GCEK-Event-Portal
- Create a Virtual Environment python -m venv virtual
- Activate Virtual Environment Scripts\activate.bat
- Install Requirements Package pip install -r requirements.txt
- Migrate Database python migrate
- Create Super User python createsuperuser
- Finally Run The Project python runserver