AirSpy Firmware version v1.0.0-rc7
Modifications for rc7:
- Fix issue storing the build date inside firmware #13 thanks to martinzsmith for the fix
- Unified AirSpy firmware, support multiple AirSpy board type with same firmware
- Unified multiple configurations files to one configuration per board with multiple expansion points
- Add management of alternative configurations
- Add management of samplerate in KHz (in addition to index)
- This firmware support 10MSPS & experimental 2.5MSPS for AirSpy NOS R0/R2
- This firmware support 6MSPS & 3MSPS for AirSpy Mini
- MD5 for (build on 2016-04-23):
md5sum airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
1a7ae43ce0bb713e20af89d7868990b4 airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin
airspy_fw/airspy_rom_to_ram/airspy_rom_to_ram.bin Size 19 548 bytes
- To flash the latest firmware in attachment
- For Windows:
- Extract the archive
- Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer
- Launch
from extracted archive directory
- Launch
- Disconnect AirSpy from USB computer
- Connect AirSpy with USB to your computer, now you can use your favorite software
The new samplerate option in KHz is supported since v1.0.8 host tools & airspy library see