Semionline Monitoring and Analaysis Software for the technological prototype ECAL for ILC
R. Poeschl & A. Irles
LAL, France, 2016
Installation requirements: root (5.34.X), libboost-all-devel, (or at least the filesystem libraries) cmake (at least 2.8)
git clone
cd tpecal
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
- Requires root raw files (produced, for example, with the RAW2ROOT.C macro present in the tpecal/root_macros folder)
- Requires chip mapping (txt file, in the tpecal/mapping folder)
from the in the tpecal/bin folder:
-> for scans (threshold scan, holdscan, etc)
input_folder = full path run folder containing the subruns folder (normally groupped in groups of 8 channels)
output_folder = relative path to the ouptut folder, which should be in input_folder/output_folder.
analysis_type = scurves, PlaneEventsScan, holdscan (to be done)
enabled_chips = Number of enabled chips per dif (default 16)
step = in case of scans, the number of channels in each subrun (default 8)
buffer = buffer to analyze (for scans) 0-14. If 15, all are analyzed together. (default 0)
-> for single file monitoring or analysis
input_file = input root file
output_folder = output folder (full path)
analysis_type = Pedestal, PedestalSignal (work in progress), MonitorChannel, MonitorChip
enabled_chips = Number of enabled chips per dif (default 16)