Serving Text To Image Model Using FastAPI and Celery
Create RabbitMQ and FastAPI container(refer to TTI-FastAPI)
Clone repository
git clone
cd TTI-Worker
- Edit docker-compose.yml and .env file for your project.
- Vhost for each worker is in docker-compose.yml and common RabbitMQ config is in .env file.
- Run worker container
docker-compose up -d
# If you want to run a specific worker container, write service name.
docker-compose up -d <service name>
- Run RabbitMQ comtainer as a broker
docker run -d --name tti-rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --restart=unless-stopped rabbitmq:3.11.2-management
- Clone repository
git clone
cd TTI-Worker
- Build docker image
docker build -t tti-worker .
- Create docker container
docker run -d --name <worker_container_name> \
--gpus='"device=0"' -e BROKER_URI=<broker_uri> \
-e DATABASE_URL=<firebase_realtime_database_url> \
-e STORAGE_BUCKET=<firebase_storage_url> \
-v <firebase_credential_path>:/app/key -v <model_local_path>:/app/model \
Or, you can use the .env file to run as follows.
docker run -d --name <worker_container_name> \
--gpus='"device=0"' \
--env-file <env filename> \
-v <firebase_credential_path>:/app/key -v <model_local_path>:/app/model \
- Check our TTI-FastAPI Repo.
- Install dev package
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Install pre-commit
pre-commit install