This is a web application for handling visualisation for HGQN.
This application works with python version 3.10, make sure it is installed or use the following command to install it:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3
Install pip3:
sudo apt install pip3
Then, install Pipenv. Pipenv is a tool that provides all necessary means to create a virtual environment for a Python project. It automatically manages project packages through the Pipfile file as packages are installed or uninstalled:
pip3 install pipenv
To run the django application, first set the environment using the pipfile:
pipenv shell
Install the requirements:
pipenv sync
Alternatively, if you are unfamiliar with pipenv you can use the requirements.txt file to install required packages.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Generate a Django secret key using following command:
python shell -c "from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())"
Paste the newly generated key in the DJANGO_SECRET_KEY enviornment variable in the visualiser\ file which contains the following line:
SECRET_KEY = env("DJANGO_SECRET_KEY", default="ChangeMe!!")
Start the application server on a different port other than the port used by the the parent application like Varfish, for example on port 7000:
python3 runserver 7000
Visualiser application can be started in the docker container using the following steps.
Make sure Docker is installed, you can use the steps mentioned here to install Docker -
- Build the docker image
sudo docker build -t visualiser-app .
- Run the image in a docker container
sudo docker run -p 7000:7000 visualiser-app
- Launch the Visualiser server in a browser at
- Click on 'Choose Data' button and send it to the HGQN application.
- ...Add more steps here..