ASP.NET Core 6/7 MVC & EF (Code-First) (HttpGet/Post/Put/Delete) Swagger Azure AD Authentication
STEPS (Swagger Azure AD Autht - Swagger Azure AD Login)=
Open Visual Studio/-Code. After that Open your project/api (Exp.=StudentApp)
Now we are in project/api in Visual Studio/-Code,
- On Connected services/Solution Explorer click right & add Microsoft Identity Platform,
- On the new opened page if you are not login to Azure login/sign in to Azure,
- On the new opened page after logging in you will see your created App's name as a list,
- We are still on this page, on the upper right click (+) to create/register application,
- After that do not change anything until finish (Generated Code, Nuget Packages, Update Azure AD) and click next, next (Dependency configuration progress) and close/finish.
- We will see on Program.cs that "builder.Services.AddAuthentication( ..........)....("AzureAd"));" is created.
- And also on Program.cs "app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseAuthentication(); app.UseAuthorization();" is created too, if not add them!!!.
- We will see on appsettings.json that "AzureAd";{ "Instance":..., "Domain":..., "TenantId":..., "ClientId":..., "Scopes":..., etc..} is created.
- Under Packages/Dependencies, new packages are installed.
- Open controller(exp.WeatherForecastController), under namespace if not created add these attributes: [RequiredScope(RequiredScopesConfigurationKey = "AzureAd:Scopes")] [Authorize] [ApiController] [Route("[controller]")]
- Open Azure Portal (use Directory in which you created SwaggerAzureADApi or signed id while creating SwaggerAzureADApi),
- On the portal, open Azure Active Directory,
- open App registrations under "Manage",
- click SwaggerAzureADApi under "Owned Applications", check data on the right side under "Essentials",
- this data which are "Application (client) id, Directory (tenant) id etc..." is created automatically when creating SwaggerAzureADApi and uploaded to appsettings.json.
- run get method and execute,
- if you get response as "Status Code 401", it is okay and we need to make some changes in Program.cs.
- go to "builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen();" and add these codes to add OpenApiInfo & OpenApiSecurityScheme:
builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen( c=> { c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new Microsoft.OpenApi.Models.OpenApiInfo { Title ="Swagger Azure AD Demo", Version= "v1" }); c.AddSecurityDefinition("oauth2", new OpenApiSecurityScheme { Description = "Oauth2.0 which uses AuthorizationCode flow", Name = "oauth2.0", Type = SecuritySchemeType.OAuth2, Flows = new OpenApiOAuthFlows { AuthorizationCode = new OpenApiOAuthFlow { AuthorizationUrl = new Uri(builder.Configuration["SwaggerAzureAD:AuthorizationUrl"]), TokenUrl = new Uri(builder.Configuration["SwaggerAzureAD:TokenUrl"]), Scopes = new Dictionary<string, string> { {builder.Configuration["SwaggerAzureAd:Scope"], "Access API as User"} } } } }); c.AddSecurityRequirement(new OpenApiSecurityRequirement { { new OpenApiSecurityScheme { Reference = new OpenApiReference{Type=ReferenceType.SecurityScheme, Id="oauth2"} }, new []{builder.Configuration["SwaggerAzureAd:Scope"]} } }); });
also add these codes to "app.UseSwaggerUI();" :
app.UseSwaggerUI(s => { s.OAuthClientId(builder.Configuration["SwaggerAzureAd:ClientId"]); s.OAuthUsePkce(); s.OAuthScopeSeparator(" "); });
- Open Azure Portal (use Directory in which you created SwaggerAzureADApi or signed id while creating SwaggerAzureADApi),
- On the portal, open Azure Active Directory,
- open App registrations under "Manage",
- click (+ New registration) on the upper right side and
- give name to registration (exp."SwaggerClientAppRegistration") and register with default values.
- go to appsettings.json and add these codes from program.cs following "AzureAd" :
"AzureAd": {
"Instance": "",
"Domain": "",
"TenantId": "d5af55b1-09d1-4c62-b91b-d108fd981704",
"ClientId": "a3f042ab-660c-4b16-92ee-6c1ea013f75e",
"CallbackPath": "/signin-oidc",
"Scopes": "access_as_user"
"SwaggerAzureAD": {
"AuthorizationUrl": "",
>> take this data from "SwaggerClientAppRegistration | Endpoints" (authorization endpoint(v2))
"TokenUrl": "",
>> take this data from "SwaggerClientAppRegistration | Endpoints" (token endpoint(v2))
"Scope": "api://a3f042ab-660c-4b16-92ee-6c1ea013f75e/access_as_user",
>> go to "SwaggerClientAppRegistration | API permissions",
>> click (+ Add a Permission) on the new page click "My APIs",
>> click project api name (exp. SwaggerAzureADApi) on the new page click "access_as_user",
>> on the same page click (Add permissions)
>> we are again on the "SwaggerClientAppRegistration | API permissions" page,
>> click "access_as_user" and on the new page copy data "api://......................."
>> paste this data to "Scope".
"ClientId": "e6e468b6-e2bd-405f-8808-40aef44b49da"
>> take this data from "SwaggerClientAppRegistration | Overview" section (Application (client) ID)
Open Azure Portal (use Directory in which you created SwaggerAzureADApi or signed id while creating SwaggerAzureADApi),
On the portal, open Azure Active Directory,
open App registrations under "Manage",
click "SwaggerAzureADApi" under "Owned Applications",
on the new page, click "Expose an API",
on the "Expose an API" page, if there's not any scopes, add a scope (consent to "Admins and users", and give scope name (exp. "access_as_user") and save it),
on the "Expose an API" page, click (+ Add a client application),
write the Client Id (from "SwaggerClientAppRegistration | Overview" section (Application (client) ID)),
after writing click "authorized scopes" also, and click "Add Application".
open App registrations under "Manage" again,
click "SwaggerClientAppRegistration", and click "Authentication" under "Manage",
click (+ Add a platform)
on the new page click ("Single-page application"),
on the new opened page click ("Access tokens" and "ID tokens") but don't save because we need "Redirect URIs",
NOW, RUN program from Visual Studio/-code, !!! and on the opened page copy the url (exp."https://localhost:7019/swagger")
and paste it to "Redirect URIs" as (exp."https://localhost:7019/swagger/oauth2-redirect.html"),
now you can click save/configure "Configure single-page application". Dont close RUNNING program. !!!
- Click ("Authorize") button,
- on the new page click data ("api://...................") under "Scopes" and then click "Authorize" button.
- on the new opened page Sign in with your account (account logging information in which you created SwaggerAzureADApi)
- on the new page give permission and click "Accept",
- TURN TO running program, swagger page,
- RUN Methods (get/post/put/update/delete)