Drawable View with any colors you want to fill and can be erased last path or all paths anytime
Usage is simple, you can just add as a subview DrawPathView which is inheritted from UIView to any Custom view.
lazy var drawView : DrawPathView = {
let dv = DrawPathView(frame: self.view.bounds)
dv.lineWidth = 10.0
dv.delegate = self
return dv
override func viewDidLoad() {
User also can delete paths as last drawn path or all paths at the same time.
internal func eraseLast() {
internal func eraseAll() {
DrawPathView has also two delegate methods :
- viewDrawStartedDrawing : Calls when user started drawing
- viewDrawEndedDrawing : Calls when user ended drawing
// MARK: - DrawPathView Delegate -
func viewDrawStartedDrawing() {
print("Started Drawing")
func viewDrawEndedDrawing() {
print("Ended Drawing")
DrawPathView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "DrawPathView"
Ahmet Kazım Günay, [email protected]
DrawPathView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.