This is the API that will be used to serve the mobile app of Easylancer. It is the entry point for user driven actions and events and it utilizes other microservices like the data api, search api, payment api, authentication api, etc.
This Api also responsible for user's authorization and business logic.
Page that shows some tasks that the user is interested in as well as the ability to search and filter all tasks open.
- GET /search/all -> Fetches summary for all tasks
Page that shows the detailed view of a specific task as well as the actions the user can make on it
GET /tasks/:id/view -> Fetches a detailed view (depending on logged in user) for a specific task
GET /tasks/:id/offers -> Fetches all the offers made to a specific task that the logged in user is authorized to see
POST /tasks/create -> Creates a new task for the logged in user
PUT /tasks/:id/edit -> Edits a user's task information
POST /tasks/:id/apply -> Apply the user to a specific task
POST /tasks/:id/review -> Give a review for a specific task that is in in-progress and is assigned or created by the user (This endpoint is responsible for moving tasks to done, not-done, or investigate)
POST /tasks/:id/cancel -> Cancel a specific task created by or assigned to the user
Page that shows the detailed view of a user profile and the actions that can be done on it
GET /profiles/:id/view -> Fetches a detailed view for a specific user
GET /profiles/:id/tasks/assigned -> Fetches a list of all the tasks assigned to this user
GET /profiles/:id/tasks/created -> Fetches a list of all the tasks created by this user
GET /profiles/:id/reviews -> Fetches all the reviews made to the tasks assigned to this user
PUT /profiles/:id/edit -> Edits a the user's profile information
POST /profiles/:id/approve -> Saves the user's uploaded ID document for approval
Page that shows user's private information and settings and the actions that can be done on them
Page that shows the user's related tasks which includes the ones they created, applied, assigned, finished, & cancelled
Page that shows the user's chats
Page that shows the messages in a chat
Page that logs in and sign up a user