Country Code Picker (CCP) is an android library which provides an easy way to search and select country phone code for the telephone number.
CCP gives professional touch to your well designed form like login screen, sign up screen, edit profile screen. CCP removes confusion about how to add number and thus make view more understandable. Finally reduces mistakes in user input.
Phone number screen without CCP
Above view can be transformed by using CCP
Tapping on CCP will open a dialog to search and select country
Add this to your gradle file and sync
dependencies { compile 'com.hbb20:ccp:2.0.3' }
If you are using version lower than 2.0.0 then please read update guide before upgrading to v2.0.0.
Add ccp view to xml layout
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:id="@+id/ccp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
Add ccp object in Activity / Fragment
CountryCodePicker ccp;
Bind ccp from layout
ccp = (CountryCodePicker) findViewById(;
That's it. Run the project and see the results.
If you prefer experience along with only reads, an demo android app is available that demonstrates all the features of this library. Click below button to download from Playstore.
If you just want to read them, here you go.
Default country is the country where most of your target audience belong.
The default country can be set through xml layout and programmatically as well.
Add app:ccp_defaultNameCode="US" (replace "US" with your default country name code) to xml layout. Refer List of countries for name codes.
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:id="@+id/ccp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_defaultNameCode="US" />
add app:ccp_defaultPhoneCode="81" (replace 81 with your default country code) to xml layout.Refer List of countries for country codes.
Setting default country using phone code is not recommended. There are few cases where more than one countries have same phone code. Say US and Canada have +1. Putting '1' will result in Canada even if you were intended for US. Use app:ccp_defaultNameCode or app:ccp_countryPreference to overcome issue.
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:id="@+id/ccp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_defaultPhoneCode="81" />
app:ccp_defaultNameCode has higher priority than app:ccp_defaultPhoneCode.
- Use
To set default country programmatically, use
method. -
will not set default country as selected country in CCP view. To set default country as selected country in CCP view, callresetToDefaultCountry()
method. -
will set default country as selected country in CCP, it can be used at the time of form reset. -
If you do not specify default country from xml, IN +91 (India) will be the default country until you update default country programmatically.
- Choosing and setting country will update selected country in CCP view.
1. In order to choose country, click on CCP view.
2. Then search country by country name or phone code or name code in dialog.
3. Click on county from list to choose
Using country code name
- Country in CCP can be using
Using phone code
Country in CCP can be using
method. -
If specified country code / name code does not match with any country, default country will be set in to CCP.
How to listen change in selection?
- To get call back when country is changed, you need to add OnCountryChangeListener from code.
ccp.setOnCountryChangeListener(new CountryCodePicker.OnCountryChangeListener() {
public void onCountrySelected() {
Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Updated " + ccp.getSelectedCountryName(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Library has list of countries in alphabetical order. It searches for country in same order. But preferred country/countries have higher priority than rest.
There are few cases where more than one countries have same code. For example, Canada, Puerto Rico and US have +1. When lilbrary will try to find country with +1, it will always pick Canada as it's alphabetically first in (1)Canada-(2)Puerto Rico-(3)US.
If US is set in country preference, order for search will be (1)US-(2)Canada-(3)Puerto Rico, so it will pick US for +1.
Countries of preference will be listed at top in selection dialog. It is helpful when target audience is from a set of countries.
Any number of countries can be set in preference.
Add app:ccp_countryPreference="US,IN,NZ" (replace "US,IN,NZ" with your preference) to xml layout. Refer List of countries for name codes.
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:id="@+id/ccp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_countryPreference="US,IN,NZ" />
- Use
- Use
Country's 3 properties (Country name, phone code and name code) can be read individually.
- To get selected country code as String type and without prefix “+”, use
method. => “91” - To get selected country code as String type and with prefix “+”, use
method. => “+91” - To get selected country code as int (Integer) type, use
method. => 91
- To get selected country’s name, use
=> “India”
- To get selected country’s name code, use
=> “IN”
- To get selected country code as String type and without prefix “+”, use
Full number is combination of country code and carrier number. for example, if country code is 91 and carrier number is 8866667722 then "918866667722" or "+918866667722" is the full number.
- CarrierNumberEditText is the supplementary editText in which carrier number part of full number is entered.
- A carrierNumberEditText must be registered in order to work with full number.
- editText can be registered using
- To load full number, use
method. In this method you need to pass the full number. - Prefix “+” is optional for full number so full number can be “91886667722” or “+918866667722”. Both will set same country and carrier number."
- This will detect country code from full number and set that county to ccp and carrier number ( remaining part of full number other than country code) will be set as text of registered carrier editText.
- If no valid country code is found in beginning part of full number, default country will be set to CCP and full number will be set as text of registered carrier editText.
- Use
for full number without “+” prefix. - Use
for full number with “+” prefix.
A carrierNumberEditText must be registered before any function call of full number like
. -
None of the above functions validate the number format of phone.
Color of CCP content can be changed according to different background.
- Text size of CCP content can be changed in order to match rest of the view of form.
- Everytime when textSize is updated, arrowsize will be updated itself.
Add app:ccp_contentColor property to xml layout
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_textSize="26sp"/>
- To set textSize programmatically, use ```` setTextSize() ```` method.
Size if Down arrow of CCP view can be modified in order to match rest of the view of form.
- Add app:ccp_contentColor property to xml layout
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_arrowSize="26sp"/>
- To set textSize programmatically, use
By default, text of CCP contains coutry's name code. i.e "(US) +1". Coutnry name code can be removed if required.
- Add app:ccp_showCodeName property to xml layout
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_showNameCode="true"/>
- To set textSize programmatically, use
- If your app expects users from only few countries then you might wish to remove all other countries from selection list.
- You can remove unnecessary countries by setting your custom master country list.
- Also it will keep user from selecting irrelevant country.
- Countries of preference will be listed at top in selection dialog. It is helpful when target audience is from a set of countries.
- Custom master list will only limit the visibility of irrelevant countries from selection dialog. But all other functions like setCountryForCodeName() or setFullNumber() will consider all the countries.
- Preferred country list will be a subset of custom master list. If some xyz country is not in custom master list, it won't be added to preferred country list.
add app:ccp_customMasterCountries="US,IN,NZ,BD,PL,RO,ZW" (replace "US,IN,NZ,BD,PL,RO,ZW" by your own country code names) to xml layout. Refer List of countries for name codes.
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:id="@+id/ccp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_customMasterCountries="US,IN,NZ,BD,PL,RO,ZW" />
- Use
method. setCustomMasterCountries(null);
will remove custom list and revert to library default list.
- Use
FontFamily of CCP content can be changed in order to match rest of the view of form.
Font can be set programmatically only.
- Step 1: create a folder named 'assets' under 'app/src/main/' folder. If you already have 'app/src/main/assets' then jump to next step.
- Step 2: put your font's .ttf file in assets folder. For example if file name is 'myfonts.ttf', it should be 'app/src/main/assets/myfonts.ttf'. Make sure that the extension '.ttf' have contain small letters only. '.TTF' might not work.
- Step 3: now prepare typeFace using
Typeface typeFace=Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(),"myfonts.ttf");
- Step 4: finally apply the type face on ccp
Supported languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, English, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Japanese, Indonesia, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
More languages can be added in the future.
Language will be applied in country selection dialog.
Google translator was used to tranlate. So there is possibility of translation error, if you find any mistake please report issue to correct it or send pull request.
add app:ccp_defaultLanguage="JAPANESE" to xml layout
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:id="@+id/ccp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_defaultLanguage="JAPANESE" />
- Use
- Use
Added flag thambnail to ccp and selector dialog
More thumbnail packs can be added
By default flag will be added to the ccp view
- add app:ccp_showFlag="false" to remove flag using xml layout
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:id="@+id/ccp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_showFlag="false" app:ccp_defaultLanguage="JAPANESE" />
- Use
method to hide the flag.
- Use
Developer might wish to show full country name instead of only code name
will replace name code with full name. -
If name code was hidden using app:ccp_showNameCode="true" then this will not work.
Some country names are real long so go for this option only if your UI has dedicated enough space for it.
- add app:ccp_showFullName="true" to show full name instead of name code
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:id="@+id/ccp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_showFullName="true" app:ccp_defaultLanguage="JAPANESE" />
- Use
method to show / hide the full name.
- Use
Developer can toggle click lister of ccp
- add app:ccp_clickable="false" to disable click listening
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:id="@+id/ccp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_showFullName="true" app:ccp_defaultLanguage="JAPANESE" app:ccp_clickable="false"/>
- Use
method to enable / disable the click.
- Use
Developers started using CCP as country selector instead of phone code selector.
Only problem was phone code on ccp view and selector dialog.
By hiding that phone code, CCP will work perfect as country selector.
- add app:ccp_showPhoneCode="false" to hide phone code from ccp and search box both
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:id="@+id/ccp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_showPhoneCode="false" app:ccp_defaultLanguage="JAPANESE" />
- Use
to set programmatically.
- Use
For more clear visibility can be achieved by adding border color. This is helpful for flag which has background matching color.
- Add
property to xml layout
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccp_flagBorderColor="@color/border_color"/>
- To set it programmatically, use
- Add
- Now it is easy to jump within the real long list and reach to the specific country using fast scroller with indexer.
- By default it will be visible when list is scrollable.
- Scroller visibility, bubble color, handle color and index text appearance can be modified as per requirement.
<com.hbb20.CountryCodePicker android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:ccpDialog_showFastScroller="false" app:ccpDialog_fastScroller_bubbleColor="@color/bubbleColor" app:ccpDialog_fastScroller_handleColor="@color/handleColoer" app:ccpDialog_fastScroller_bubbleTextAppearance="@style/bubbleTextAppearance"/>
- All properties have corresponding functions to modify them programmatically.
- First upload with all basic functionalities
- Support for textSize and arrowSize modification
- Country preference
- Hide country name code option
- Default country using Country name code
- Custom master list
- Custom font
- Language support
- Optional KeyboardAutoPopup
- Changed ccp view size when code name is hidden
- Added country change listener
- Bug fix for getDefaultCountryCodeAsInt() and getDefaultCountryCodeAsInt()
- Adds Flag thumbnail
- Adds option for full country name
- Adds support for HEBREW
- Correct layout for RTL layouts
- Support to enable/disable click
- Option to hide search bar from selection dialog
- Adds French Guyana, Martinique and Réunion to country list
- Fixes a problem which was toasting message for disabled search feature
- Typo fix for "Search...", "Select a country", "Results not found".
- Now "Results not found" text is shifted to top to avoid it from being hidden under bigger keyboards.
- Option to hide phone code. Allows developers to use CCP as Country Selector and not code selector.
- Option to add border to ccp flag. This gives more clarity to flag if flag and background has same or almost similar color.
- Adds Palestine to country list.
- Lightweight: Long lists of countries are moved to xml from java. Now it consumes only minimum runtime memory.
- Adds missing flags of Sint Maarten and Cayman Islands
- There were some countries which were visible only when english is selected. This is fixed now and all countries will be appear for all languages.
- Now it is easier to add new languages.
- Countries are now listed in ascending order specific to selected language rather than just English name.
- Fast Scroller with index.
If you are using version lower than 2.0.0 then please read update guide before upgrading to v2.0.0.
- Clear search query "X" button
- All attributes has prefix of ccp and ccpDialog (to avoid name space clashes) i.e "textSize" is now "ccp_textSize".
- Few attribute name changes to follow convention
- defaultCode => ccp_default_PhoneCode
- hideNameCode => ccp_showNameCode
- keyboardAutoPopOnSearch => ccpDialog_keyboardAutoPopup
- selectionDialogShowSearch => ccpDialog_allowSearch
- ccpClickable => ccp_clickable
- ccpSearchBox_showPhoneCode => ccpDialog_showPhoneCode
- Supports "match_parent" width attribute with text gravity option
- As you type formatting of carrier number in registerCarrierNumberEditText (Enabled by default)
- Feature of auto-detect language (disabled by default)
- Feature of auto-detect country (enabled by default)
- Validity checker for full number
- PhoneNumber validity change listener
- Differentiate countries with "+1" based on area code. Now full number that starts with +1 will set correct country.
- Minor bug fix for showing name code
- Allowed customization of ccpDialog theme by changing colors of background, text and editText.
- Few countries' name corrected for spanish language
- RTL layout bug fix for dialog
- Turkish language support
- Issue for initial popped status of keyboard for some specific devices irrespective of ccpDialog_keyboardAutoPopup value.
- Fast Scroller library by Future Minds
- Hebrew translation by David Brownstone
- Chinese translation by KENNETH2008
- Indonesia translation by Maulana Firdaus
- Spanish translation by Armando Gomez
- Turkish translation by Ugurcan Yildirim
Copyright (C) 2016 Harsh Bhakta
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.