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Releases: ahlstromcj/seq66

Little Lotta Fixes

03 Dec 18:19
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Release Notes for Seq66 v. 0.99.16 2024-12-03

Fixes for NSM (session manager), build-file updates, and better PPQN
and recording handling. A lot of little issues found and fixed, too.

  • Fixed issue #128 with expanded recording not working. The expansion
    is now continual, not waiting for a MIDI key to be struck.
  • Merged a fix from a pull request (issue #130) to update the
    "*.desktop" files.
  • Fixed issue #131 re faulty NSM interactions introduced in version
    0.99.11, plus other related issues:
    • NSM (agordejo or nsm-legacy-gui) would show two clients: "qseq66"
      and "seq66" when adding only the "qseq66" client.
    • Saving via a remote NSM Save command or by the File / Save menu
      would not clear the modified flag.
    • Closing the session would not remove any external editor windows.
  • The main window now reflects the current record-loop style and
    new-pattern option as read from the 'usr' file.
  • Fixed the pattern editor so it reflects buss and channel settings
    made from the grid slot popup menu.
  • Fixed the display of tunes with various PPQNs such as 120 in the
    pattern editor.
  • Fixed zero-length notes caused by quantized recording.
  • Some automation actions need to work whether the action is "on" or
    "toggle". Fixed these 'ctrl' actions:
    • Save session (under NSM) or the MIDI file.
    • Record style select.
    • Quit.
  • Added "Clear events" to the grid slot popup menu.
  • Enhancements to pattern-editor note copy/paste.
  • Added 120 PPQN to the list of supported PPQNs.
  • Fixed File / New plus File Save overwriting the previous loaded
  • The main window now reflects the current record-loop style and
    new-pattern option as read from the 'usr' file. But note:
  • Renamed [new-pattern-editor] to [pattern-editor] in the 'usr' file.
  • The Quantized Record button in the pattern editor steps through
    None, Tighten, Quantize, Notemap, None.... Prettied-up the icons,
  • Added CONFIG_DIR_NAME and cleaned up This macro
    differentiates between client name and config directory name.
    Updated the Makefile sources. Do "./bootstrap --full-clean".
  • Updated the PDF documentation re the Import/Export functionality
  • Upgraded the color palette code.
  • See NEWS and ChangeLog for full details.

GUI Cleaner and Build

28 Oct 17:19
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Elliptical Sniptography

24 Aug 16:43
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The Prodigal Sun

05 Aug 16:10
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See RELNOTES and NEWS. This release is represented only by a tag; no packages or Windows build are included. Provides only a couple minor feature updates and fixes. It's been a long time coming because of work on other projects (Cfg66 mainly).

FreeBSD Looming Clang

13 Jan 16:20
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Release Notes for Seq66 v. 0.99.12 2024-01-13

  • Fixed clang support and FreeBSD builds.
    • Using clang-12 and clang-16 to find errors and warnings
      that g++ did not detect, re issue #124.
    • Modifying and make-files to support this
      compiler. However, it does not define QT_CXXFLAGS and
      QT_LIBS in FreeBSD. Therefore...
    • ... Added a script to replace the old qbuild (bash)
      script and to be used instead of autotools in FreeBSD.
    • Seq66 builds and runs, but currently detects only software
      MIDI ports running under JACK.
  • Added an script to use with basic UNIX shells like
  • Fixed the processing of SysEx and Meta events.
    • Reading and writing in the MIDI file upgraded.
    • Display SysEx and text in the event editor.
    • Added new 'rc' option to skip, recover, or abort from bad
      running status in MIDI files. See the trilogy.mid contributed
    • Handle unterminated SysEx messages (Dixie04.mid).
  • Fixed issue with building the command-line version with "portmidi".
  • Fixed a one-character buffer overflow in portmidi.c. Thanks,
  • Fixed bugs in --option log=file.
  • Fixed Q button not working to set keep-queue status.
  • Fixed queued-solo functionality.
  • Upgraded the Event editor Dump output.
  • Disabled the grid-solo option as redundant.

Farrago of Fixes and Features 0.99.11

05 Dec 19:27
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  • Added 8 more ui-palette entries, total of 32.
  • Added display of the pattern input bus (if present) in the grid
  • Moved style-sheet options from 'usr' to the 'rc' file.
  • Fixed errors setting style-sheet, palette, and mutes file in
    Preferences / Session. Now indicates when exit is needed.
  • Added mute-group label ("MG") to main window.
  • Fixing various playlist errors:
    • PPQN setting issue causing slow/fast playback. Cannot
      display 120 PPQN well, fix too intrusive at this time.
    • Segfaults due to not stopping playback before loading
      the next song, or basing calculations on missing values.
  • Embarassing fixes:
    • The massive botch of the Set Master tab.
    • More Mutes tab fixes, including raising modify flag.
    • App exiting unceremoniously if "quiet" is set.
    • Issue in Song zoom with 1920 PPQN.
    • Odd bug breaking MIDI-control-out (display).
    • Preventing long redundant start-up error messages.
    • Solo feature. Unsolo before starting another solo.
    • Queue and keep-queue.
    • Not saving record-by-channel. Fixed record-by-channel.
    • Not modifying the song when pattern measures is changed.
    • Breakage of stopping song play at the end of song.
    • Bug in event-editor initialization.
    • Not applying note-length setting to step-edit.
  • Added a pre-made MIDI file to use with record-by-channel.
  • Added ways to toggle recording of multiple patterns.
  • Added a record-by-buss feature.
  • Can now paste a pattern into a new or another loaded MIDI file.
  • When loading a MIDI file, the file dialog defaults to the
    last-used directory. Fixes made to this feature.
  • Improved copy/paste for screen-sets.
  • Added optional parameter to --priority option.
  • Focus is now set immediately to seqroll and perfroll.
  • --verbose now shows playlist actions on the console and prevents
    daemonization and logging to a file.
  • Replaced the --inspect option with --session-tag for easy
    selection of another setup specified in sessions.rc. Also added
    the SEQ66_SESSION_TAG environment variable.
  • Added showing program changes in slot button.
  • Added showing text events in the data pane and all text events
    in the main Session tab. Fixed its Save Info button.
  • Implemented "menu-mode" automation. It duplicates the function
    of the hide/show button, to toggle between hiding some main
    window controls and the main menu, and showing them.

Stuart Stylesheet 0.99.10

25 Oct 19:02
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  • Issue #117 Option to close pattern windows with esc key if enabled via a 'usr' option.
  • Issue #118 Made virtual ports ports enabled via an option.
  • Issue #119 "Quantized Record Active does not work" fixed. Live note/drum-mapping also fixed.
  • Fixed an egregious error in drawing notes in drum mode.
  • Fixed error in moving notes at PPQN != 192.
  • Fixed bug preventing a song with triggers stopping playback at end of song. Fixes related to playlist-handling.
  • Implemented drag-and-drop of one MIDI file onto the Live grid.
  • Added the export of most project configuration files to another directory.
  • Multiple tempo events can be drawn in a line in data pane and can be dragged up/down to change the tempo value.
  • If double-click enabled, can open/create a pattern in the song editor.
  • Many improvements and fixes to the Mutes tab.
  • Added a "grid mode" to toggle mutes by clicking in the Live Grid. The new default mute-group-selection mode keystroke is "_".
  • Opening the pattern editor reflects the recording mode and live pattern alteration selection (e.g. quantization).
  • The main time display works better with high PPQN.
  • Now scrolls automatically in time and note value to show the first notes in a pattern.
  • Live-grid record-mode and alteration are applied when active pattern is opened for edit.
  • Added more Qt style-sheets and UI palette items for more color control.
  • Tightened the file-name handling in Session preferences.

Sally Segfault 0.99.9

24 Sep 15:50
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Many fixes and a couple features as described in RELNOTES for 0.99.9.

Random Ralph

27 Aug 17:17
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Release Notes for Seq66 v. 0.99.8 2023-08-27

Major changes in version 0.99.8

-   Issue #112: A new pattern now displays in the MIDI controller.
-   Issue #114: Adding display of shortcut keys to tool tips.
-   Added a Pattern tab to Edit / Preferences for more settings.
-   Added automation for the main window Loop L/R button.
-   Fixed seqroll drawing errors introduced in adding time-sig
-   Fixed incomplete data-pane refresh in scrolling with
-   Fixed not setting up SIGINT, which prevented a proper shutdown.
-   Fixed a couple corrupted sample *.mid files.
-   Changing playlist setting enables Session Restart button.
-   Removed coloring of record-style and -mode buttons. Added
    coloring of event-editor "Store" button to denote saving is
-   Refactoring quantization alterations for future upgrades. Added
    an option to jitter the notes in the seqroll.
-   Enforced that configuration files are stored in the "home"
-   The usual raft of humiliating bug-fixes. See

Peter Playlist 0.99.7

19 Jul 14:01
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-   Issue #110 follow-ons:
    -   Fixed saving tempo (BPM) in Windows when changed from main
        window. Caused by mixing a long and size_t; messed up in
        Windows builds.
-   Issue #111 follow-ons:
    -   Fixed initial time-signature drawing in data pane.
    -   Fixed errors in inserting a time-signature.
    -   Added a pulse (tick) calculator to iterate through
-   Fixed an important port-translation bug in output port-mapping.
-   Revamped the Playlist tab, as it was confusing and very buggy.
-   Added auto-play and auto-advance to play-lists.
-   Issue #102: Added Windows key-mapping to fix processing
    "native virtual" keys, such as the arrow keys.