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Word Count

Have the function WordCount(str) take the str string parameter being passed and return the number of words the string contains (ie. "Never eat shredded wheat" would return 4). Words will be separated by single spaces. Use the Parameter Testing feature in the box below to test your code with different arguments.

Letter Capitalize

Have the function LetterCapitalize(str) take the str parameter being passed and capitalize the first letter of each word. Words will be separated by only one space. Use the Parameter Testing feature in the box below to test your code with different arguments.

First Reverse

Have the function FirstReverse(str) take the str parameter being passed and return the string in reversed order. Use the Parameter Testing feature in the box below to test your code with different arguments.

Vowel Count

Have the function VowelCount(str) take the str string parameter being passed and return the number of vowels the string contains (ie. "All cows eat grass" would return 5). Do not count y as a vowel for this challenge

Swap Case

Have the function SwapCase(str) take the str parameter and swap the case of each character. For example: if str is "Hello World" the output should be hELLO wORLD. Let numbers and symbols stay the way they are.


Coin Determiner

Have the function CoinDeterminer(num) take the input, which will be an integer ranging from 1 to 250, and return an integer output that will specify the least number of coins, that when added, equal the input integer. Coins are based on a system as follows: there are coins representing the integers 1, 5, 7, 9, and 11. So for example: if num is 16, then the output should be 2 because you can achieve the number 16 with the coins 9 and 7. If num is 25, then the output should be 3 because you can achieve 25 with either 11, 9, and 5 coins or with 9, 9, and 7 coins. Use the Parameter Testing feature in the box below to test your code with different arguments.

Array Sort

Have the function ArraySort(arr) take the arr and sort the array as random number of array as possible

Prime Checker

Have the function PrimeChecker(num) take num and return 1 if any arrangement of num comes out to be a prime number, otherwise return 0. For example: if num is 910, the output should be 1 because 910 can be arranged into 109 or 019, both of which are primes. Use the Parameter Testing feature in the box below to test your code with different arguments.

Letter CountI

Using the JavaScript language, have the function LetterCountI(str) take the str parameter being passed and return the first word with the greatest number of repeated letters. For example: "Today, is the greatest day ever!" should return greatest because it has 2 e's (and 2 t's) and it comes before ever which also has 2 e's. If there are no words with repeating letters return -1. Words will be separated by spaces

37 Essential JavaScript Interview Questions link:


Javascript Question and Answer






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