EPITA course for 5th year students
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qJhH0cmEMVQRhF37UOYDdw0ZKtd00_oQXW1dZrUbSL4/edit
TP1: https://hackmd.io/@G2s9zdzlSd-RfTlBoN_x2A/ryY2BSgVo
TP2&3: https://hackmd.io/@G2s9zdzlSd-RfTlBoN_x2A/Bkm_EOFHo
Requirements: cmake 3.20 minimum, C++17, and OpenGL 4.5.
# At the project root
mkdir -p TP/build/debug
cd TP/build/debug
cmake ../..
If you have a problem, please send a mail to
Yorick Madelain - Ancelin Bouchet
- Frustum culling
- Backface culling
- Instancing
- Deferred shading
- Volume lightning
- Occlusion culling
- Temporal anti aliasing (TAA)
- Makes use of opengl occlusion queries
- Hierarchy for objects is just front to back
- Doesn't use bounding boxes for dry rendering because it would break everything
- Disables instancing
- Accumulates multiple frames to smooth contours removing aliasing
- Camera moves a little each frame (jitter) to add variation, pixel may be filled or not with the correct probabilities on edges
- Jitter values generated using the repeated first 16 values of a Halton (2,3) sequence
- Double buffered color and depth textures for historisation
- Sampling current frame by weighted averaging 3x3 neighbourhood (filter: Mitchell-Netravali)
- History sampled with closest (depth) velocity then clipped around current sample neighbourhood
- Both of these help reject sample when disocclusion happens
- Mix between current and history sample favoring history heavily, depending on luminance
Some artifacts are present