random analysis tools
This contains partially-complete documents I wrote up about SwingSet internals. They want to live in packages/SwingSet/ or in its docs/ subdirectory.
More partially-complete documents to live in packages/swingset-liveslots/docs/
Same but for packages/swingstore/
This directory contains a few dozen SwingSet analysis tools I wrote over the years. It has exactly the same contents as the warner/swingset-misc-tools
branch, as submitted for merge in PR #10037, so if that gets merged, these are redundant
This contains some additional SwingSet analysis tools that didn't make it into PR #10037
This is a tool I wrote to start from a swingstore (usually copied from a mainnet follower) and then execute some number of actions, like:
- replay a recent delivery
- fire the next timer wakeup event
- terminate and delete one or more vats
- upgrade a vat
- execute a core-eval proposal
It wants to be a package in agoric-sdk, so it can import e.g. SwingSet. I usually ran it by git checkout
-switching to the warner/ghost-chain-trunk
branch. I had other branches with similar names for when I needed to perform ghost-replays of e.g. upgrade17 or upgrade16 chain state.
The main output is a slogfile, from which we can measure things like how long the operation takes, or whether any unexpected errors occur. I used this to tool to determine that "one-fell-swoop" deleting of a large price-feed vat would exceed the SQLite value size and crash the kernel.