Releases: agileware/wp-civicrm-ux
Releases · agileware/wp-civicrm-ux
- Membership row shortcode, if the optional renewal_url parameter is not provided, then do not output the renewal link at all; change from isset to empty for some variable checks
- Self serve checksum shortcode, only generate a checksum for Individual contacts, exclude Organisation and Household contacts; minor code clean-up; santise email input
- Membership shortcode should display all memberships and selectively display renewal links
- Convert endDate to correct parameter type, timestamp
- Rename file shortcodes/membership/membership-row.php - consistency
- Minor code refactor and update shortcode-self-serve-checksum template part
- Prevent double verification of turnstile on page reload after form submission
- Remove check for form submission when cid and cs are given
- Adds Cloudflare Turnstile to the Self Serve Checksum protection form.
- Adds [ux_membership] and [ux_membership_row] shortcodes for building a membership summary table with links to renewal forms. Built using template parts for customisation.
- Converts Self Serve Checksum form into a template part.
Refer to Usage documentation for more details.
- Event Full Calendar default theming adjustments.
shortcode option for[ux_full_calendar]
to optionally provide a URL to redirect to after login. Useful if you have a custom Event registration page, instead of the default CiviCRM event registration page.cache_results=false
shortcode options for[ux_cv_api4_get]
to bypass caching.my_events
shortcode option for[ux_cv_api4_get]
to get events for the current logged in user, where they have active registrations.- Event Cancel Registration shortcodes to enable users to cancel their registration for an event.
Refer to Usage documentation for more details.
- Adds an Upgrader class.
- Adds the [ux_self_serve_checksum] shortcode. Protects a form by requiring a valid CiviCRM checksum in the URL for the user to access the form.
- Comes with settings, custom filters, and custom tokens for customisation of the protection form text, and the email message to be sent to the user.
- Fixes an error on API4 get shortcode with formatted dates due to missing strftime library packaging.
Do not output location info in tippy tooltips if there is none.
Do not output location info if there is none.
Allow Events with no location to appear in the Events Calendar.
This means events with no physical location (online) can also be seen.
Adds ability to blacklist plugins from activation.
Event Tickets plugin is blacklisted by default because it breaks WP and CiviCRM cron.