- create a follder<-path_1
- download everything from the current project to path_1
Note that all the prerequisites are from tensorflow official models - copy official_model/research/object_detection to path_1
- copy official_model/research/object_detection/utils&models to path_1
- copy official_model/research/slim/datasets&deployment&nets to path_1
- copy official_model/research/cvt_text/model to path_1
- download link for ssd_model and extract it to path_1
- install necessary py packages
- object_Dataset/images contains source images
- object_Dataset/annotations contains annotations information for source images
- if you would like to annotate images by yourself, use the label_tool
- object_Dataset/train.txt contains image names for training
- object_Dataset/test.txt contains image names for testing
- object_Dataset/object_label_map.pbtxt contains label information
- set correct paths in the config_modification.py and generate the config.xml
- set correct paths of "fine_tune_checkpoint","train_input_reader","eval_input_reader" in /ssd_mobilenet_v1_small_object.config
- run /totfrecord.py twice (path configuration needs to be motified) to generate tfrecords for training and testing respectively, check config.xml if error occurs
- run /train.py to train you model, press "control_c" to stop when receiving a stable loss
- run /export_inference_graph.py to freeze the *.pb model, output is supposed to be saved at the train folder (latest step by default)
- set path configuration in /object_detection_my.py and run