random fits file utilities not already in astropy scripts
Crop a fits file to a rectangle with the given bottom left corner and top right corner.
usage: fitscrop [-h] fitsin fitsout xlow ylow xhigh yhigh
Crop a fits file.
positional arguments:
fitsin input fits file
fitsout output fits file
xlow lower x-axis cutoff (inclusive)
ylow lower y-axis cutoff (inclusive)
xhigh higher x-axis cutoff (exclusive)
yhigh higher y-axis cutoff (exclusive)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Copy the header from one fits file to another fits file, warning if there are any overwrites.
usage: fitscphdr [-h] [--clobber] sourcefits targetfits newfits
Copy a fits header.
positional arguments:
sourcefits source fits header file
targetfits target fits header file
newfits name for new fits file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--clobber overwrite existing fits header entries