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Update:Android remove folder scanning and ffmpegkit
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advplyr committed Nov 16, 2023
1 parent 301e9b2 commit 6fe470c
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Showing 6 changed files with 12 additions and 488 deletions.
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions android/app/build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,9 +125,6 @@ dependencies {

// Jackson for JSON
implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin:2.12.2'

implementation 'com.arthenica:ffmpeg-kit-min:4.5.1'

apply from: ''
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,16 +5,10 @@ import
import android.util.Log
import androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile
import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.FFmpegKitConfig
import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.FFprobeKit
import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.Level
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonReadFeature
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.readValue
import com.getcapacitor.JSObject
import org.json.JSONException

class FolderScanner(var ctx: Context) {
Expand All @@ -27,211 +21,6 @@ class FolderScanner(var ctx: Context) {
return "local_" + DeviceManager.getBase64Id(mediaItemId)

enum class ItemScanResult {

// TODO: CLEAN this monster! Divide into bite-size methods
fun scanForMediaItems(localFolder:LocalFolder, forceAudioProbe:Boolean):FolderScanResult? {
FFmpegKitConfig.enableLogCallback { log ->
if (log.level != Level.AV_LOG_STDERR) { // STDERR is filled with junk
Log.d(tag, "FFmpeg-Kit Log: (${log.level}) ${log.message}")

val df: DocumentFile? = DocumentFileCompat.fromUri(ctx, Uri.parse(localFolder.contentUrl))

if (df == null) {
Log.e(tag, "Folder Doc File Invalid $localFolder.contentUrl")
return null

var mediaItemsUpdated = 0
var mediaItemsAdded = 0
var mediaItemsRemoved = 0
var mediaItemsUpToDate = 0

// Search for files in media item folder
val foldersFound =, DocumentFileType.FOLDER)

// Match folders found with local library items already saved in db
var existingLocalLibraryItems = DeviceManager.dbManager.getLocalLibraryItemsInFolder(

// Remove existing items no longer there
existingLocalLibraryItems = existingLocalLibraryItems.filter { lli ->
Log.d(tag, "scanForMediaItems Checking Existing LLI ${}")
val fileFound = foldersFound.find { f -> == getLocalLibraryItemId( }
if (fileFound == null) {
Log.d(tag, "Existing local library item is no longer in file system ${}")
fileFound != null

foldersFound.forEach { itemFolder ->
Log.d(tag, "Iterating over Folder Found ${} | ${itemFolder.getSimplePath(ctx)} | URI: ${itemFolder.uri}")
val existingItem = existingLocalLibraryItems.find { emi -> == getLocalLibraryItemId( }

val filesInFolder =, DocumentFileType.FILE, arrayOf("audio/*", "image/*", "video/mp4", "application/*"))

// Do not scan folders that have no media items and not an existing item already
if (existingItem != null || filesInFolder.isNotEmpty()) {
when (scanLibraryItemFolder(itemFolder, filesInFolder, localFolder, existingItem, forceAudioProbe)) {
ItemScanResult.REMOVED -> mediaItemsRemoved++
ItemScanResult.UPDATED -> mediaItemsUpdated++
ItemScanResult.ADDED -> mediaItemsAdded++
else -> mediaItemsUpToDate++

Log.d(tag, "Folder $${} scan Results: $mediaItemsAdded Added | $mediaItemsUpdated Updated | $mediaItemsRemoved Removed | $mediaItemsUpToDate Up-to-date")

return if (mediaItemsAdded > 0 || mediaItemsUpdated > 0 || mediaItemsRemoved > 0) {
val folderLibraryItems = DeviceManager.dbManager.getLocalLibraryItemsInFolder( // Get all local media items
FolderScanResult(mediaItemsAdded, mediaItemsUpdated, mediaItemsRemoved, mediaItemsUpToDate, localFolder, folderLibraryItems)
} else {
Log.d(tag, "No Media Items to save")
FolderScanResult(mediaItemsAdded, mediaItemsUpdated, mediaItemsRemoved, mediaItemsUpToDate, localFolder, mutableListOf())

private fun scanLibraryItemFolder(itemFolder:DocumentFile, filesInFolder:List<DocumentFile>, localFolder:LocalFolder, existingItem:LocalLibraryItem?, forceAudioProbe:Boolean):ItemScanResult {
val itemFolderName = ?: ""
val itemId = getLocalLibraryItemId(

val existingLocalFiles = existingItem?.localFiles ?: mutableListOf()
val existingAudioTracks = existingItem?.media?.getAudioTracks() ?: mutableListOf()
var isNewOrUpdated = existingItem == null

val audioTracks = mutableListOf<AudioTrack>()
val localFiles = mutableListOf<LocalFile>()
var index = 1
var startOffset = 0.0
var coverContentUrl:String? = null
var coverAbsolutePath:String? = null
var hasEBookFile = false
var newEBookFile:EBookFile? = null

val existingLocalFilesRemoved = existingLocalFiles.filter { elf ->
filesInFolder.find { fif -> DeviceManager.getBase64Id( == } == null // File was not found in media item folder
if (existingLocalFilesRemoved.isNotEmpty()) {
Log.d(tag, "${existingLocalFilesRemoved.size} Local files were removed from local media item ${existingItem?.media?.metadata?.title}")
isNewOrUpdated = true

filesInFolder.forEach { file ->
val mimeType = file.mimeType ?: ""
val filename = ?: ""
Log.d(tag, "Found $mimeType file $filename in folder $itemFolderName")

val localFileId = DeviceManager.getBase64Id(

val localFile = LocalFile(localFileId,filename,file.uri.toString(),file.getBasePath(ctx), file.getAbsolutePath(ctx),file.getSimplePath(ctx),mimeType,file.length())

Log.d(tag, "File attributes Id:${localFileId}|ContentUrl:${localFile.contentUrl}|isDownloadsDocument:${file.isDownloadsDocument}")

if (localFile.isAudioFile()) {
val audioTrackToAdd:AudioTrack?

val existingAudioTrack = existingAudioTracks.find { eat -> eat.localFileId == localFileId }
if (existingAudioTrack != null) { // Update existing audio track
if (existingAudioTrack.index != index) {
Log.d(tag, "scanLibraryItemFolder Updating Audio track index from ${existingAudioTrack.index} to $index")
existingAudioTrack.index = index
isNewOrUpdated = true
if (existingAudioTrack.startOffset != startOffset) {
Log.d(tag, "scanLibraryItemFolder Updating Audio track startOffset ${existingAudioTrack.startOffset} to $startOffset")
existingAudioTrack.startOffset = startOffset
isNewOrUpdated = true

if (existingAudioTrack == null || forceAudioProbe) {
Log.d(tag, "scanLibraryItemFolder Scanning Audio File Path ${localFile.absolutePath} | ForceAudioProbe=${forceAudioProbe}")

// TODO: Make asynchronous
val audioProbeResult = probeAudioFile(localFile.absolutePath)

if (existingAudioTrack != null) {
// Update audio probe data on existing audio track
existingAudioTrack.audioProbeResult = audioProbeResult
audioTrackToAdd = existingAudioTrack
} else {
// Create new audio track
val track = AudioTrack(index, startOffset, audioProbeResult?.duration ?: 0.0, filename, localFile.contentUrl, mimeType, null, true, localFileId, audioProbeResult, null)
audioTrackToAdd = track

startOffset += audioProbeResult?.duration ?: 0.0
isNewOrUpdated = true
} else {
audioTrackToAdd = existingAudioTrack

startOffset += audioTrackToAdd.duration
} else if (localFile.isEBookFile()) {
val existingLocalFile = existingLocalFiles.find { elf -> == localFileId }

if (localFolder.mediaType == "book") {
hasEBookFile = true
if (existingLocalFile == null) {
newEBookFile = EBookFile(localFileId, null, localFile.getEBookFormat() ?: "", true, localFileId, localFile.contentUrl)
} else {
val existingLocalFile = existingLocalFiles.find { elf -> == localFileId }

if (existingLocalFile == null) {
Log.d(tag, "scanLibraryItemFolder new local file found ${localFile.absolutePath}")
isNewOrUpdated = true
if (existingItem != null && existingItem.coverContentUrl == null) {
// Existing media item did not have a cover - cover found on scan
Log.d(tag, "scanLibraryItemFolder setting cover ${localFile.absolutePath}")
isNewOrUpdated = true
existingItem.coverAbsolutePath = localFile.absolutePath
existingItem.coverContentUrl = localFile.contentUrl = localFile.absolutePath

// First image file use as cover path
if (coverContentUrl == null) {
coverContentUrl = localFile.contentUrl
coverAbsolutePath = localFile.absolutePath

if (existingItem != null && audioTracks.isEmpty() && !hasEBookFile) {
Log.d(tag, "Local library item ${} no longer has audio tracks - removing item")
return ItemScanResult.REMOVED
} else if (existingItem != null && !isNewOrUpdated) {
Log.d(tag, "Local library item ${} has no updates")
return ItemScanResult.UPTODATE
} else if (existingItem != null) {
Log.d(tag, "Updating local library item ${}")
return ItemScanResult.UPDATED
} else if (audioTracks.isNotEmpty() || newEBookFile != null) {
Log.d(tag, "Found local media item named $itemFolderName with ${audioTracks.size} tracks and ${localFiles.size} local files")
val localMediaItem = LocalMediaItem(itemId, itemFolderName, localFolder.mediaType,, itemFolder.uri.toString(), itemFolder.getSimplePath(ctx), itemFolder.getBasePath(ctx), itemFolder.getAbsolutePath(ctx),audioTracks,newEBookFile,localFiles,coverContentUrl,coverAbsolutePath)
val localLibraryItem = localMediaItem.getLocalLibraryItem()
return ItemScanResult.ADDED
} else {
return ItemScanResult.UPTODATE

private fun scanInternalDownloadItem(downloadItem:DownloadItem, cb: (DownloadItemScanResult?) -> Unit) {
val localLibraryItemId = "local_${downloadItem.libraryItemId}"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,132 +363,4 @@ class FolderScanner(var ctx: Context) {


fun scanLocalLibraryItem(localLibraryItem:LocalLibraryItem, forceAudioProbe:Boolean):LocalLibraryItemScanResult? {
val df: DocumentFile? = DocumentFileCompat.fromUri(ctx, Uri.parse(localLibraryItem.contentUrl))

if (df == null) {
Log.e(tag, "Item Folder Doc File Invalid ${localLibraryItem.absolutePath}")
return null
Log.d(tag, "scanLocalLibraryItem starting for ${localLibraryItem.absolutePath} | ${df.uri}")

var wasUpdated = false

// Search for files in media item folder
val filesFound =, DocumentFileType.FILE, arrayOf("audio/*", "image/*", "video/mp4", "application/*"))
Log.d(tag, "scanLocalLibraryItem ${filesFound.size} files found in ${localLibraryItem.absolutePath}")

filesFound.forEach {
try {
Log.d(tag, "Checking file found ${} | ${}")
}catch(e:Exception) {
Log.d(tag, "Check file found exception", e)

val existingAudioTracks =

// Remove any files no longer found in library item folder
val existingLocalFileIds = { }
existingLocalFileIds.forEach { localFileId ->
Log.d(tag, "Checking local file id is there $localFileId")
if (filesFound.find { DeviceManager.getBase64Id( == localFileId } == null) {
Log.d(tag, "scanLocalLibraryItem file $localFileId was removed from ${localLibraryItem.absolutePath}")
localLibraryItem.localFiles.removeIf { == localFileId }

if (existingAudioTracks.find { it.localFileId == localFileId } != null) {
Log.d(tag, "scanLocalLibraryItem audio track file $localFileId was removed from ${localLibraryItem.absolutePath}")
wasUpdated = true

filesFound.forEach { docFile ->
val localFileId = DeviceManager.getBase64Id(
val existingLocalFile = localLibraryItem.localFiles.find { == localFileId }

if (existingLocalFile == null || (existingLocalFile.isAudioFile() && forceAudioProbe)) {

val localFile = existingLocalFile ?: LocalFile(localFileId,,docFile.uri.toString(),docFile.getBasePath(ctx), docFile.getAbsolutePath(ctx),docFile.getSimplePath(ctx),docFile.mimeType,docFile.length())
if (existingLocalFile == null) {
Log.d(tag, "scanLocalLibraryItem new file found ${localFile.filename}")

if (localFile.isAudioFile()) {
// TODO: Make asynchronous
val audioProbeResult = probeAudioFile(localFile.absolutePath)

val existingTrack = existingAudioTracks.find { audioTrack ->
audioTrack.localFileId == localFileId

if (existingTrack == null) {
// Create new audio track
val lastTrack = existingAudioTracks.lastOrNull()
val startOffset = (lastTrack?.startOffset ?: 0.0) + (lastTrack?.duration ?: 0.0)
val track = AudioTrack(existingAudioTracks.size, startOffset, audioProbeResult?.duration ?: 0.0, localFile.filename ?: "", localFile.contentUrl, localFile.mimeType ?: "", null, true, localFileId, audioProbeResult, null)
Log.d(tag, "Added New Audio Track ${track.title}")
wasUpdated = true
} else {
existingTrack.audioProbeResult = audioProbeResult
// TODO: Update data found from probe

Log.d(tag, "Updated Audio Track Probe Data ${existingTrack.title}")

wasUpdated = true
} else if (localFile.isEBookFile()) {
if (localLibraryItem.mediaType == "book") {
val existingEbookFile = ( as Book).ebookFile
if (existingEbookFile == null || existingEbookFile.localFileId != localFileId) {
val ebookFile = EBookFile(localFileId, null, localFile.getEBookFormat() ?: "", true, localFileId, localFile.contentUrl)
( as Book).ebookFile = ebookFile
Log.d(tag, "scanLocalLibraryItem: Ebook file added to lli ${localFile.contentUrl}")
wasUpdated = true
} else { // Check if cover is empty
if (localLibraryItem.coverContentUrl == null) {
Log.d(tag, "scanLocalLibraryItem setting cover for ${}")
localLibraryItem.coverContentUrl = localFile.contentUrl
localLibraryItem.coverAbsolutePath = localFile.absolutePath
wasUpdated = true

if (wasUpdated) {
Log.d(tag, "Local library item was updated - saving it")
} else {
Log.d(tag, "Local library item was up-to-date")
return LocalLibraryItemScanResult(wasUpdated, localLibraryItem)

private fun probeAudioFile(absolutePath:String):AudioProbeResult? {
val session = FFprobeKit.execute("-i \"${absolutePath}\" -print_format json -show_format -show_streams -select_streams a -show_chapters -loglevel quiet")

var probeObject:JSObject? = null
try {
probeObject = JSObject(session.output)
} catch(error:JSONException) {
Log.e(tag, "Failed to parse probe result $error")

Log.d(tag, "FFprobe output $probeObject")
return if (probeObject == null || !probeObject.has("streams")) { // Check if output is empty
Log.d(tag, "probeAudioFile Probe audio file $absolutePath failed or invalid")
} else {
val audioProbeResult = jacksonMapper.readValue<AudioProbeResult>(session.output)
Log.d(tag, "Probe Result DATA ${audioProbeResult.duration} | ${audioProbeResult.size} | ${audioProbeResult.title} | ${audioProbeResult.artist}")

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