End of Google Support: The StarThinker project will no longer receive new solution contributions from the Google team. Please read the full StarThinker Open Source Support Ends At Google article for more details.
Disclaimer: This is not an officially supported Google product. It is a reference implementation. There is absolutely NO WARRANTY provided for using this code. The code is Apache Licensed and CAN BE fully modified, white labeled, and disassembled by your team.
At gTech, we believe every ad operations team should be faster, nimbler, and able to use all their data sources to drive client impact. To that end, we've created StarThinker, a simple and intuitive web UI that allows users to create, edit, run, and schedule data pipelines consisting of data transfer and data processing jobs. StarThinker deploys on Google Cloud in minutes without engineering or coding required. Read the WhitePaper.
Sheets only go so far, with a StarThinker running, the ad operations team can operate on larger data sets, scale solutions across clients fast, and even automate campaign controls. All using a drag and drop UI.
- Start building solutions immediately by leveraging dozens of existing workflow tasks.
- Scale solutions across clients without coding.
- Pull repository updates anytime.
- Empower your team with simple UI documentation.
- Bill clients for data usage.
- Monitor all workflows from one UI.
- Build enterprise solutions in hours not weeks.
Steps From Tutorial:
No one enjoys building boiler plate code, it's slow, error prone, tedious, and honestly drains the energy out of any project. At best StarThinker lets you skip all that, at worst it's working code you can strip down for your needs. Take what you need.
- Out of the box authentication.
- Out of the box scaling.
- Out of the box logging.
- Out of the box testing.
- All Apache Licensed to give you a head start and complete development control.
Steps From Tutorial:
- Deploy developer.
- Run hello world.
- Develop a new task or recipe workflow.
- Optional: Get your own private copy of the code.
- Optional: Make contributions to an open source Google project.
- The StarThinker Solution Gallery lists all the existing tasks and authors.
- Read the Tutorials.
- Review the FAQ.
- Read the Contributing guidelines.
- Ask for help (no SLA, not guaranteed): [email protected]
- Paul Kenjora ([email protected]) - Technical Project Lead
- Mauricio Desiderio ([email protected]) - Software Engineer
- John Terwilleger ([email protected]) - Software Engineer
Additional contributors to individual handlers and recipes are listed in each file.
© 2020 Google LLC - Apache License, Version 2.0