Repository for all content for team members
This file provides a guide to the contents of this repository of The Chosen Ones group, as well as instructions for how to deploy the prototypes for each team member. There are four separate domains and prototypes of focus in this group:
- Household Energy Consumption (Adriene Rice)
- Managing IM Notification Disruption (Luke Stringer)
- Smart Home with Healthcare for the Elderly (Louise Dai)
- Sustainable Food Consumption (Katrina Li)
Each domain has an individual branch separated from the main branch of this repository so that all team members can work on and present their prototype.
Household Energy Consumption
- The Documentation for the domain of Household Energy Consumption is located in the wiki within the repository, this includes all research, requirements, designs, low-fidelity prototype and high fidelity prototype. The link to the is here: , navigate to the problem area of Household Energy Consumption and click on the section of documentation (through clicking on the show/hide tab to display the subsections) you are interested in viewing.
- Additionally, the prototype for the domain of Household Energy Consumption can be located here: , download the file titled "DECO3500-App", and click on the index.html and open it in a web browswer in order to deploy the prototype, more instructions are included in the separate file on this branch.