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File metadata and controls

273 lines (223 loc) · 8.24 KB


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All plugins can be turned off, overridden default config options, replaced with your favorites. It is highly flexible to be customized and extended.

You can even set onlyPlugins = {} to disable all plugins. Read Debug - Disable other plugins.

You can invoke :OneShowPlugins to view disabled and enabled plugins.

Builtin Plugins

Builtin plugins list in lua/one/plugins.

Loaded builtin plugins list in lua/one/plugins.lua

Create New Plugin

For example, create a file lua/my-plugin.lua.

Plugin Options

return {
  -- string | nil. The name of plugin. It must be first.
  -- If the name has "/", such as "repo/name", the plugin manager (vim-plug/packer) will install the repo.
  -- If the name has not "/", no repo installed. User can name this plugin with any characters.

  -- common options
  desc = 'Plugin Description', -- string | nil.
  disable = false, -- boolean | nil. If true, this Plugin will not be loaded
  tag = '', -- string | nil. tag of the repository to use
  branch = '', -- string | nil. branch of the repository to use
  commit = '', -- string | nil. commit of the repository to use
  rtp = '', -- string | nil. Subdirectory that contains Vim plugin
  as = '', -- string | nil. Use different name for the plugin
  run = '' -- string | nil. Post-update hook (string or funcref)
  on = {'command'} -- string[] | nil. On-demand loading: Commands or <Plug>-mappings
  ft = {'lua'} -- string | string[] | nil. On-demand loading: File types
  lock = false, -- boolean | nil. Do not update unless explicitly specified
  after = '', -- string | string[] | nil. If one of these plugins is disabled, current plugin will be disabled.
              -- Specifies plugins to load before this plugin. (Only work for packer)

  -- Supporting more specifying options by plugin manager
  -- packer:
  -- vim-plug:

  -- Specifies code to run before this plugin is loaded.
  -- User should not require lua module in this function.
  setup = function() end,

  -- Specifies code to run after this plugin is loaded.
  -- User can require lua module in this function.
  config = function(config)
    -- Put your code here. Like require('name').setup {config.PluginName}

  -- Set default config for current plugin
  -- User can require lua module in this function.
  defaultConfig = {
    'PluginName', -- string | string[]. Config key. If set {'plugin', 'path'}, the value store at `config.plugin.path`.
    {}, -- config value, must be a table

  -- Set highlight groups. Parameters refer to ":h nvim_set_hl"
  highlights = {
    PluginHighlightGroup = { fg = 'white', bg = 'none' } ,
    HighlightName = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default highlight

  -- Set vim sign. Parameters refer to ":h sign_define"
  signs = {
    GitSignsAdd = { text = '', numhl = 'GitSignsAddNr', linehl = 'GitSignsAddLn' },
    SignName = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default sign

  -- Parameters refer to ":h nvim_set_keymap"
  keymaps = {
    { 'n', '<leader>k1', ':echo hello<CR>' },
    { '', '<leader>k2', function() print('hello') end, {desc = '"" means mode "n", "v", "o". see :h map'} },
    { '!', '<leader>k3', function() print('hello') end, {desc = '! means mode "i" and "c". See :h map!'} },
    { { 'i', 'n' }, '<leader>k4', function() print('hello') end },

  -- Parameters refer to ":h nvim_create_user_command"
  commands = {
    TelescopeFiles = ':Telescope find_files' ,
    AerialTelescope = { ':Telescope aerial' },
    TrailingSpaces = function()
    ClearPreviews = { function require('goto-preview').close_all_win end },
    TestLuaSpec = {
      { desc = 'Run unit test on current lua spec file' },
    CommandName = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default command

  autocmds = {
    LspAttach = { -- Parameters refer to ":h nvim_create_autocmd"
      callback = function(args)
        local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(
        require('aerial').on_attach(client, args.buf)

    VimEnter = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default autocmd

    User = { -- User autocmds
        pattern = { 'AlphaReady' },
        callback = function()
          vim.opt.cursorline = true
          vim.opt.showtabline = 0
        pattern = { 'AlphaClosed' },
        callback = function()
          vim.opt.showtabline = 2

  filetypes = {
    ['null-ls-info'] = function(opts) -- Parameters refer to ":h nvim_create_autocmd" callback arguments
      vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(0, { border = 'rounded', height = 30 })

    lua = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default filetype callback

  completions = {
    today = { -- completion keyword
      callback = function() -- The returned value will be the completion text
      cache = false, -- If true, callback returned value will be cached

    today2 = false, -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default completion

  -- Add telescope extensions. Format: { ['extension-name'] = MakerExtension } .
  -- The MakerExtension refers to
  telescopes = {
    ls = { -- extension name
      command = '!ls', -- vimscript or lua function

    messages = false -- false or nil. To cancel plugin default telescope extension

Below fields can receive a function. The function receives one parameter config and must return a table.

defaultConfig, signs, keymaps commands, autocmds, filetypes, highlights, telescopes, completions

For example,

  defaultConfig = function(config)
    return {

  highlights = function(config)
    local colors = config.colors
    return {
      PluginHighlightGroup = { fg = colors.white, bg = 'none' } ,

  commands = function(config)
    return {
      AerialTelescope = { ':Telescope aerial' },
      -- NOTE: require plugin must put in function
      ClearPreviews = { require('goto-preview').close_all_win },

Using Plugin

Edit your init.lua file.

require('one').setup {
  plugins = {

Put your plugins in plugins.

Options of user plugin will override the default options of builtin plugin, when the plugin name is same. If not matched, this plugin will be loaded as new plugins.

Disable Default Plugin

require('one').setup {
  plugins = {
    {'keymap', disable = true} -- It will disable all keymaps defined in ./lua/one/keymap/
    {'lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim', disable = true} -- It will disable plugin ./lua/one/plugins/indent-line.lua

Override plugin configs

For example, change the layout of alpha and hide nvim logo and version.

require('one').setup {
  configFn = function(config)
    -- default layout = {
    --   { type = 'padding', val = marginTop },
    --   getHeader(),
    --   getTitle('Press j,k to move cursor'),
    --   buttons,
    -- }
    local layout = config.alpha.layout
    layout[2] = { type = 'padding', val = 5 }

    -- Do not return config, only return the overridden parts
    return {
      alpha = { layout = layout },

Overwrite the config function

If plugin defaultConfig is too complex, you can even overwrite the config function.

require('one').setup {
  plugins = {
      config = function()
        local dashboard = require('alpha.themes.dashboard')
        local button = dashboard.button

        require('alpha').setup {
          layout = {
            { type = 'text', val = 'hello', opts = { position = 'center' } },
              type = 'group',
              val = { button('<leader>u', 'test', ':echo "test"<CR>') },
              opts = { spacing = 0 },