Add support for lazy loading aggregates
chore: update dependencies a08356f
test: add a regression test for getters and setters 1dde971
test: improvements to query debugging and fix breaking test 0750a93
test: fix breaking test 4d46a4a
feat: add support for lazy loading relationship aggregates d58f179
fix: the proxy handler for model properties to work with ts "useDefineForClassFields" flag 5539349
style: format source code 72361c1
refactor: accept allowExtraProperties flag with static persistance methods 2134069
improvement: consumeAdapterResult set the property on the model directly 918a4bc
fix: model proxy to work with useDefineForClassFields typescript flag d96d17a
test: fix breaking tests 08dc435
fix: increment & decrement methods resolve key names from model columns 027f15e
chore: update dependencies bc46a37
improvement: merge method set the model property when already defined on the model 3d36a66
refactor: allow select method to accept numeric values 478fd7d
refactor: use count query for exists / unique validators (#710 ) 7beaa79
test: make tests work across dialects 447255e
fix: convert instances to a string when querying for exists and unique 89a495e
chore: update dependencies 8fc83d9
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