Name: Chen Ma
E-mail: [email protected]
This project is a 2D drawing system that is able to draw Bézier and B-spline curves, and should also be able to open and save files.
- User should be able to specify:
- the name of the input file,
- all parapmeters in the Bézier and B-Spline curves' equation.
First of all, wish you have a good time playing with it. I added a lot of my own ideas into this project and devoted a lot of time on it. I made my own decisions on the layout and user interface and tried my best to provide the user with best experience; if you have any suggestions on improving the user experience, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
- Open terminal and open the folder
- Type
to compile the code and type./project4 filename
to run, or just type./project4
if you don't want to open any file or you don't want to save drawing as a specific filename.- filename
- the file you want to open (if the file exists)
- the filename you want to use to save (if the file doesn't exist)
- e.g.: type
./project4 apple.txt
, if you want to save the drawing asapple.txt
or if you want to open the fileapple.txt
- In case of compile error, these is a precompiled file called
- filename
- Three windows
- Color Picker Panel
- Set current curve color
- Main Drawing Panel
- Draw and edit curve
- Change current curve parameters
- Change current stroke width
- Knot Panel
- Change current knot position
- Color Picker Panel
- Different windows have different reshape approach
- Color Picker Panel is non-resizable
- Main Drawing Panel can be freely resized
- Knot Panel is resized according to the Main Drawing Panel
Key-pressing note: you do not need to press shift, and all key is in low cap.
- Press "b" to start drawing Bézier curve
- Press "p" to start drawing B-spline curve
- Press "a" to show all control points
- Press again to hide
- Press "d" to delete control points
- Press "i" to insert control points
- Click on the curve's control point to select the curve
- Press "↑", "↓" to change the resolution of selected curve
- Press "←", "→" to change the k value of selected B-spline curve (default k = 3)
- Press "[", "]" to change stroke width of selected curve.
- Click on the Color Picker to set color for selected curve.
- Drag on the knot bar to change the knots of current B-spline curve
- Press "s" to save the drawing
- If no filename is specified in the beginning, then it will save as
- If no filename is specified in the beginning, then it will save as
- Press "cmd+q" to quit
- Give me 100 points (more is better)