Just a few words about this implementation:
The SQL files can be found in the SQL subdirectory. The requested queries are in their own (aptly named) files. The creation script is in its own file.
I use a basic JDBC implementation here. I was unclear if external libraries were allowed, so I did not use one such as Hibernate or JPA. Normally I would use one of those but for a simple problem I chose a simple implementation.
The DB connection properties are inlined in the main class. Normally this would be in the app server config or in a YAML file. Because of this if you use a different DB you'll need to change that over. I did this this way as I chose to focus on solving the problem rather than plumbing and also wasn't sure if I could use external libraries.
My DB properties use a local instance that I have installed. I have this machine blocking any incoming connections on 3306 so hence no password on the DB.
I parsed commandline arguments in my own code (see comment about external libraries above).
The log file is truncated and reloaded to the database each time the program is run. The sample log file takes about 30-60 seconds to load on my machine, which is running a local MySQL database.
Overall, I found this to be a fun problem to solve. What a great way to screen candidates! A little challenging but not overly complicated.