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Vite + React + Tailwind CSS App

This project is built using Vite, React, and Tailwind CSS. It sets up a fast development environment and uses modern tooling.

Steps to Set Up

  1. Create a Vite Project
    Run the following commands to create a new Vite project:

    npm create vite@latest my-vite-app
    cd my-vite-app
    npm install
  2. Install Tailwind CSS
    To install Tailwind CSS and its necessary dependencies, run:

    npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
    npx tailwindcss init
  3. Configure Tailwind
    Update the tailwind.config.js file:

    module.exports = {
      content: [
      theme: {
        extend: {},
      plugins: [],
  4. Create CSS File
    Add the following to a new src/index.css file:

    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;
  5. Import Tailwind in src/main.js
    Import your index.css file in the main JavaScript/JSX file:

    import './index.css';

Here’s an explanation that you can include in your for future reference to resolve TailwindCSS and PostCSS-related issues:

Resolving TailwindCSS and PostCSS Issues in Vite Projects

Problem: Missing postcss.config.js or Incorrect Configuration

When working with Vite and TailwindCSS, you might encounter an issue where the postcss.config.js file is missing or incorrectly configured. This will cause errors like:

Error: module is not defined

Steps to Resolve:

  1. Ensure the postcss.config.js File Exists: If the postcss.config.js file is missing, create it in the root of your project. This file is necessary for TailwindCSS to function correctly alongside Vite.

  2. Correct Configuration for postcss.config.js: The configuration file should use modern ECMAScript Module (ESM) syntax instead of CommonJS (module.exports). Use the following setup in your postcss.config.js file:

    // postcss.config.js
    export default {
      plugins: {
        tailwindcss: {},
        autoprefixer: {},

    This ensures that PostCSS uses the necessary plugins—tailwindcss and autoprefixer—when processing your styles.

  3. Install Necessary Packages: Make sure that the required dependencies are installed by running the following command:

    npm install tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
  4. Restart the Development Server: Once the configuration file is in place and the packages are installed, restart the Vite development server:

    npm run dev


  • TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework that requires PostCSS for processing styles.
  • PostCSS: A tool for transforming CSS with plugins, and TailwindCSS depends on it for generating the final CSS.
  • Autoprefixer: A plugin that adds vendor prefixes to your CSS to ensure cross-browser compatibility.

If the postcss.config.js file is missing or incorrectly configured, Vite will not know how to process your CSS files properly, leading to errors. Using the correct configuration will ensure TailwindCSS and PostCSS work together smoothly.


  • Always ensure the configuration follows the ESM format when working in Vite projects.
  • Regularly update your packages to avoid compatibility issues in the future.

  1. Run the Development Server
    Start the development server:

    npm run dev
  2. Installing Axios in frontend use this command

    npm install axios


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