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Adapt It Mobile Overview

Erik Brommers edited this page Mar 10, 2016 · 5 revisions

Adapt It Mobile is a simple related language translation editor designed specifically for mobile devices.

Introducing Adapt It Mobile

What does it do?

Using a tablet or smartphone, you can use Adapt It Mobile to translate text from one language to another related language - a process called adaptation. Previous translations are stored in a translation memory called a Knowledge Base, and are suggested the next time that particular word or phrase is encountered. This can help you quickly create a draft text that can be exported for further revision and publication.

Two programs, one goal

The Adapt It team currently has two programs that enable you to adapt text from one language to another. The desktop version of Adapt It has been used in translation projects for over a decade now, and is still actively maintained by its developers.

Adapt It Mobile is a ground-up rewrite of the desktop version, written -- by the same developers -- specifically for mobile devices. Mobile devices have different characteristics than traditional computers, and that has shaped how Adapt It Mobile is designed:

  • Mobile devices are cheaper than laptop and desktop computers -- which can help translation projects to be self-funded by language communities
  • In general, mobile devices also use less power -- which helps in translation projects where power supply is an issue
  • Mobile devices have a smaller screen -- the UI has to be simpler and more focused on single tasks
  • Mobile devices likely don't have a hardware keyboard or mouse -- this changes the way the UI interaction works

Click here to see a feature comparison between the desktop and mobile versions of Adapt It.