Adam El Kholy
University of Bath
Last Updated: 06/12/2023
Free to use under the Apache 2.0 license
For use with the IMDB reviews dataset available on Kaggle
The following notebook allows you to train and evaluate the following models for the task of sentiment analysis using on the IMDB movie dataset
- Multinomial Naive Bayes (manual implementation)
- Gaussian Naive Bayes (manual implementation)
- Sklearn MNB
- Sklearn GNB
- Logistic Regression
- Support Vector Machines
See BERT.ipynb
for the evaluation of BERT (cased and uncased) on the same task
import os
import nltk
import string
import numpy as np
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from import LancasterStemmer
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer'stopwords')'punkt')'wordnet')
Directory structure:
where pos/ and neg/ contain positive and negative reviews respectively
def read_corpus(directory):
files = [f for f in os.listdir(directory) if f.endswith('.txt')]
corpus = []
for file in files:
with open(os.path.join(directory, file), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
document =
return corpus
# unpack data into corpus vars
positive_corpus = read_corpus("data/pos/")
negative_corpus = read_corpus("data/neg/")
corpus = positive_corpus + negative_corpus
positive_labels = len(positive_corpus)
negative_labels = len(negative_corpus)
corpus_length = len(corpus)
# sanity check
Homelessness (or Houselessness as George Carlin stated) has been an issue for years but never a plan to help those on the street ...
This film is about a male escort getting involved in a murder investigation that happened in the circle of powerful men's wives. ...
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
r_seed = 42
def get_test_train_dev_split(X):
y = np.concatenate([np.ones(positive_labels), np.zeros(negative_labels)])
# we first split the data into train and test
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=0.80,
shuffle=True, random_state=r_seed)
# then split train into train and development set
X_train, X_dev, y_train, y_dev = train_test_split(X_train, y_train,
shuffle=True, random_state=r_seed)
#68% train, 12% validation, 20% test
return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_dev, y_dev
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_dev, y_dev = get_test_train_dev_split(stem_unigram_tf_idf)
(2720, 29379)
(800, 29379)
(480, 29379)
[0. 0.0105175 0. ... 0. 0. 0. ]
from nltk import word_tokenize
from nltk import ngrams
def text_to_ngrams(sentence, n, remove_stopwords=True):
# set of stopwords to remove
stoplist = set(stopwords.words('english'))
if not remove_stopwords:
stoplist = set()
tokenised_words = [word for word in word_tokenize(sentence.lower())
if word not in stoplist and word not in string.punctuation and word != "br"]
# a list of tokenised words with stop-words, punctuation, and <br>s removed
# apply nltk n-grams algorithm
zipped_grams = ngrams(tokenised_words, n)
return list(zipped_grams)
sentence = "I am Ozymandias, king of kings, look upon my works ye mighty and despair"
grams = text_to_ngrams(sentence, 3)
for gram in grams:
[('ozymandias', 'king', 'kings'), ('king', 'kings', 'look'), ('kings', 'look', 'upon'), ('look', 'upon', 'works'), ('upon', 'works', 'ye'), ('works', 'ye', 'mighty'), ('ye', 'mighty', 'despair')]
('ozymandias', 'king', 'kings')
('king', 'kings', 'look')
('kings', 'look', 'upon')
('look', 'upon', 'works')
('upon', 'works', 'ye')
('works', 'ye', 'mighty')
('ye', 'mighty', 'despair')
# convert the entire corpus to ngrams
def corpus_to_ngrams(corpus, n, remove_stopwords=True):
new_corpus = []
for text in corpus:
new_corpus.append(text_to_ngrams(text, n, remove_stopwords))
return new_corpus
corpus_unigrams = corpus_to_ngrams(corpus, 1)
[('homelessness',), ('houselessness',), ('george',), ('carlin',), ('stated',), ('issue',), ('years',), ('never',), ('plan',), ('help',), ('street',) ... ]
corpus_bigrams = corpus_to_ngrams(corpus, 2)
[('homelessness', 'houselessness'), ('houselessness', 'george'), ('george', 'carlin'), ('carlin', 'stated'), ('stated', 'issue'), ('issue', 'years'), ('years', 'never'), ('never', 'plan'), ('plan', 'help'), ('help', 'street') ... ]
corpus_trigrams = corpus_to_ngrams(corpus, 3)
[('homelessness', 'houselessness', 'george'), ('houselessness', 'george', 'carlin'), ('george', 'carlin', 'stated'), ('carlin', 'stated', 'issue'), ('stated', 'issue', 'years'), ('issue', 'years', 'never'), ('years', 'never', 'plan'), ('never', 'plan', 'help'), ('plan', 'help', 'street') ...
# with stopwords included
corps_unigrams_with_stopwords = corpus_to_ngrams(corpus, 1, remove_stopwords=False)
[('homelessness',), ('or',), ('houselessness',), ('as',), ('george',), ('carlin',), ('stated',), ('has',), ('been',), ('an',), ('issue',), ('for',), ('years',), ('but',), ('never',), ('a',), ('plan',), ('to',), ('help',), ('those',), ('on',), ('the',), ('street',) ...]
def apply_stemming(text):
st = LancasterStemmer()
word_list = [" ".join(st.stem(gram) for gram in ngram) for ngram in text]
# stems the list of ngram tuples using nltk's LancasterStemmer
return word_list
stemmed_text = apply_stemming(grams)
for feature in stemmed_text:
ozymandia king king
king king look
king look upon
look upon work
upon work ye
work ye mighty
ye mighty despair
def apply_lemmatization(text):
lm = WordNetLemmatizer()
word_list = [" ".join(lm.lemmatize(gram) for gram in ngram) for ngram in text]
# lemmatizes the list of ngram tuples
return word_list
lemmatized_text = apply_lemmatization(grams)
for feature in lemmatized_text:
ozymandias king king
king king look
king look upon
look upon work
upon work ye
work ye mighty
ye mighty despair
# apply a given stemming or lemmatization function to the corpus
def apply_to_corpus(func, corpus):
new_corpus = []
for text in corpus:
return new_corpus
lemmatized_unigrams = apply_to_corpus(apply_lemmatization, corpus_unigrams)
stemmed_unigrams = apply_to_corpus(apply_stemming, corpus_unigrams)
['homelessness', 'houselessness', 'george', 'carlin', 'stated', 'issue', 'year', 'never', 'plan', 'help']
['homeless', 'houseless', 'georg', 'carlin', 'stat', 'issu', 'year', 'nev', 'plan', 'help']
First we set about generating a shared vocabulary, containing the number of documents each unique word occurs in, so as to calculate TF and IDF values
def generate_shared_vocabulary(corpus):
words = {}
for text in corpus:
for word in set(text):
# set(text) removes duplicates, meaning the dictionary contains document frequency values
if word in words:
words[word] += 1
words[word] = 1
return words
shared_vocabulary = generate_shared_vocabulary(stemmed_unigrams)
Now we generate our TF-IDF matrix, where each row represents a document in the corpus. We utilise the scipy sparse matrix data structure in order to save memory
from scipy import sparse
def generate_tf_idf_matrix(corpus, shared_vocabulary, one_hot=False):
N = len(shared_vocabulary)
shared_vocabulary_list = list(shared_vocabulary)
matrix = sparse.lil_matrix(np.zeros([corpus_length, N]))
# sparse list of lists to store our tf_idf values
for i, text in enumerate(corpus):
# calculate tf_idf for each feature in each document and insert in correct index
for word in text:
index = shared_vocabulary_list.index(word)
tf = text.count(word) / len(text)
idf = np.log10(N / (shared_vocabulary[word] +1))
# if using one_hot vectors for SVM and LogReg then simply insert 1
matrix[i, index] = tf * idf if not one_hot else 1
return matrix
stem_unigram_tf_idf = generate_tf_idf_matrix(stemmed_unigrams, shared_vocabulary)
array([[0.01005802, 0.00693199, 0.01359507, ..., 0. , 0. ,
0. ]])
Calculates the likelihood that a feature x belongs to class C, p(x|C)
labels: 1 for the class whose likelihood is being calculated, 0 for any others
data: training data, i.e. our TF-IDF matrix of all documents
alpha: value for laplace smoothing
def calculate_likelihoods(data, labels, alpha=1.0):
N = data.shape[1]
likelihoods = np.zeros([N])
for i in range(N):
feature = data[:, i].toarray().flatten()
likelihoods[i] = (np.sum(feature * labels) + alpha) / (np.sum(labels) + alpha)
# likelihood calculation (p(X|C)) using laplace smoothing
return likelihoods
Calculates the likelihoods for both classes given the training data as well as priors for both classes
def train_multinomial_bayes(X_train, y_train):
# inverted label array, denoting 1 for the negative class and 0 for the positive, used for calculating likelihood and priors
inverted_y_train = np.array([not y for y in y_train]).astype(int)
pos_likelihoods = calculate_likelihoods(X_train, y_train)
neg_likelihoods = calculate_likelihoods(X_train, inverted_y_train)
pos_log_likelihoods = np.log(pos_likelihoods)
neg_log_likelihoods = np.log(neg_likelihoods)
pos_prior = np.sum(y_train) / len(y_train)
neg_prior = np.sum(inverted_y_train) / len(inverted_y_train)
pos_log_prior = np.log(pos_prior)
neg_log_prior = np.log(neg_prior)
return pos_log_likelihoods, neg_log_likelihoods, pos_log_prior, neg_log_prior
Assigns a class label to a given document using likelihoods and priors
def get_multinomial_class_label(data, document):
pos_log_likelihoods, neg_log_likelihoods, pos_log_prior, neg_log_prior = data
# unpack our sparse vector:
features = np.nonzero(document)[0]
pos_total = 0
neg_total = 0
for index in features:
# sum log likelihoods for each feature, for both classes
pos_total += pos_log_likelihoods[index]
neg_total += neg_log_likelihoods[index]
# add priors
pos_total += pos_log_prior
neg_total += neg_log_prior
class_label = 1 if pos_total > neg_total else 0
return class_label
Runs the entire pipeline for MNB and returns a predictions array
def test_train_multinomial_bayes(train_data, train_labels, test_data):
data = train_multinomial_bayes(train_data, train_labels)
predictions = []
for i, _ in enumerate(test_data):
doc = test_data[i].toarray().flatten()
label = get_multinomial_class_label(data, doc)
return predictions
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score
from sklearn.metrics import recall_score
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
# outputs full model evaluation
def evaluate_model(test_labels, predictions):
print(f"accuracy: {accuracy_score(test_labels, predictions)}")
print(f"precision: {precision_score(test_labels, predictions)}")
print(f"recall: {recall_score(test_labels, predictions)}")
print(f"f1 score: {f1_score(test_labels, predictions)}")
Evaluation for Multinomial Naive Bayes on the development set for stemmed unigrams
predictions = test_train_multinomial_bayes(X_train, y_train, X_dev)
evaluate_model(y_dev, predictions)
accuracy: 0.875
precision: 0.9267015706806283
recall: 0.7937219730941704
f1 score: 0.8550724637681159
Calculates the mean and standard distribution for a given feature using TF-IDF scores across all documents
labels: 1 for the class whose likelihood is being calculated, 0 for any others
data: training data, i.e. our TF-IDF matrix of all documents
alpha: value for laplace smoothing
def calculate_guassian_distributions(data, labels, alpha=1e-10):
pos_distribution = []
neg_distribution = []
inverted_labels = np.array([not y for y in labels]).astype(int)
# calculate means and standard deviations for each feature in order to compute distributions
for i in range(data.shape[1]):
feature = data[:, i].toarray().flatten()
# collects the instances of the feature being present in positive and negative class resp.
pos_feature = feature * labels
neg_feature = feature * inverted_labels
pos_distribution.append((np.mean(pos_feature) + alpha, np.std(pos_feature) + alpha))
neg_distribution.append((np.mean(neg_feature) + alpha, np.std(neg_feature) + alpha))
return pos_distribution, neg_distribution
Calculates the likelihoods for both classes given the training data as well as priors for both classes
def train_gaussian_bayes(X_train, y_train):
# an inverted label array, denoting 1 for the negative class and 0 for the positive
inverted_y_train = np.array([not y for y in y_train]).astype(int)
pos_distribution, neg_distribution = calculate_guassian_distributions(X_train, y_train)
pos_log_distribution = np.log(pos_distribution)
neg_log_distribution = np.log(neg_distribution)
pos_prior = np.sum(y_train) / len(y_train)
neg_prior = np.sum(inverted_y_train) / len(inverted_y_train)
pos_log_prior = np.log(pos_prior)
neg_log_prior = np.log(neg_prior)
return pos_log_distribution, neg_log_distribution, pos_log_prior, neg_log_prior
# fits value (the TF-IDF score for a given feature in the input document) to the guassian distribution of said feature
def gaussian(mean, sd, value):
exponent = (- (value - mean)**2 ) / (2 * sd**2)
value = (1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sd**2)) * np.exp(exponent)
if np.isnan(value): # 0 if NaN
return 0
return value
# produces a class label for a given document using our GNB
def get_gaussian_class_label(data, document):
pos_distribution, neg_distribution, pos_log_prior, neg_log_prior = data
features = np.nonzero(document)[0]
pos_total = 0
neg_total = 0
for index in features: # calculates the likelihood using the mean, sd, and value for each feature
# usage: gaussian(mean, sd, x)
# pos_distribution[i] = (mean, sd), where i is feature index
pos_total += gaussian(pos_distribution[index][0], pos_distribution[index][1],
document[index] )
neg_total += gaussian(neg_distribution[index][0], neg_distribution[index][1],
document[index] )
pos_total += pos_log_prior
neg_total += neg_log_prior
label = 1 if pos_total > neg_total else 0
return label
# full GNB pipeline
def test_train_gaussian_bayes(train_data, train_labels, test_data):
data = train_gaussian_bayes(train_data, train_labels)
predictions = []
for i, v in enumerate(test_data):
doc = test_data[i].toarray().flatten()
label = get_gaussian_class_label(data, doc)
return predictions
Evaluation on development set for Guassian Bayes using stemmed unigrams
predictions = test_train_gaussian_bayes(X_train, y_train, X_dev)
evaluate_model(y_dev, predictions)
accuracy: 0.8645833333333334
precision: 0.8291666666666667
recall: 0.8923766816143498
f1 score: 0.8596112311015119
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
# full pipeline for training and evaluation of sklearn models
def test_train_sklearn_models(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
clf = MultinomialNB(), y_train)
predictions = clf.predict(X_test)
print("Sklearn Multinomial Bayes")
evaluate_model(y_test, predictions)
clf2 = GaussianNB(), y_train)
predictions = clf2.predict(X_test.toarray())
print("Sklearn Gaussian Bayes")
evaluate_model(y_test, predictions)
test_train_sklearn_models(X_train, y_train, X_dev, y_dev)
Sklearn Multinomial Bayes
accuracy: 0.85625
precision: 0.8155737704918032
recall: 0.8923766816143498
f1 score: 0.8522483940042827
Sklearn Gaussian Bayes
accuracy: 0.65
precision: 0.611336032388664
recall: 0.6771300448430493
f1 score: 0.6425531914893617
For stemmed unigrams our own implementation of multinomial bayes achieves a similar accuracy and f1score, higher precision and a lower recall in comparison to the prebuilt sklearn model. Own implementation of Gaussian Bayes far outperforms sklearn's model on accuracy, precision, and f1 score
# full training and evaluation for a given corpus using all models
def evaluate_on_corpus(corpus):
shared_vocabulary = generate_shared_vocabulary(corpus)
tf_idf_matrix = generate_tf_idf_matrix(corpus, shared_vocabulary)
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_dev, y_dev = get_test_train_dev_split(tf_idf_matrix)
multinomial_predictions = test_train_multinomial_bayes(X_train, y_train, X_dev)
print("Multinomial Bayes")
evaluate_model(y_dev, multinomial_predictions)
gaussian_predictions = test_train_gaussian_bayes(X_train, y_train, X_dev)
print("Gaussian Bayes")
evaluate_model(y_dev, gaussian_predictions)
test_train_sklearn_models(X_train, y_train, X_dev, y_dev)
return tf_idf_matrix
In testing our best feature set was unigrams with stemming. Let's now evaluate on the test set
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_dev, y_dev = get_test_train_dev_split(stem_unigram_tf_idf)
multinomial_predictions = test_train_multinomial_bayes(X_train, y_train, X_test)
print("Multinomial Bayes")
evaluate_model(y_test, multinomial_predictions)
gaussian_predictions = test_train_gaussian_bayes(X_train, y_train, X_test)
print("Gaussian Bayes")
evaluate_model(y_test, gaussian_predictions)
test_train_sklearn_models(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)
Multinomial Bayes
accuracy: 0.80875
precision: 0.8768328445747801
recall: 0.7292682926829268
f1 score: 0.796271637816245
Gaussian Bayes
accuracy: 0.8275
precision: 0.8105022831050228
recall: 0.8658536585365854
f1 score: 0.8372641509433961
Sklearn Multinomial Bayes
accuracy: 0.82
precision: 0.8093023255813954
recall: 0.848780487804878
f1 score: 0.8285714285714286
Sklearn Gaussian Bayes
accuracy: 0.6525
precision: 0.6578947368421053
recall: 0.6707317073170732
f1 score: 0.6642512077294686
Let's first compare the use of one hot matrices to our usual TF-IDF vectors
one_hot_matrix = generate_tf_idf_matrix(stemmed_unigrams, shared_vocabulary, one_hot=True)
[[1. 1. 1. ... 0. 0. 0.]]
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# test base logistic regression model's accuracy using tf-idf features
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_dev, y_dev = get_test_train_dev_split(stem_unigram_tf_idf)
clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=r_seed, solver="sag"), y_train)
clf.score(X_dev, y_dev)
# test base logistic regression model's accuracy using one-hot vectors
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_dev, y_dev = get_test_train_dev_split(one_hot_matrix)
clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=r_seed, solver="sag"), y_train)
clf.score(X_dev, y_dev)
Clearly one hot matrices lead to higher performance. Let's try evaluating for stemmed unigrams
predictions = clf.predict(X_dev)
evaluate_model(y_dev, predictions)
accuracy: 0.8333333333333334
precision: 0.8122270742358079
recall: 0.8340807174887892
f1 score: 0.8230088495575221
Now let's evaluate lemmatized unigrams
lem_uni_one_hot = generate_tf_idf_matrix(lemmatized_unigrams,
generate_shared_vocabulary(lemmatized_unigrams), one_hot=True)
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_dev, y_dev = get_test_train_dev_split(lem_uni_one_hot)
clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=r_seed, solver="sag").fit(X_train, y_train)
predictions = clf.predict(X_dev)
evaluate_model(y_dev, predictions)
accuracy: 0.8583333333333333
precision: 0.8414096916299559
recall: 0.8565022421524664
f1 score: 0.8488888888888888
Finally let's evaluate stemmed unigrams without stopword removal
stemmed_unigrams_stopwords = apply_to_corpus(apply_stemming, corps_unigrams_with_stopwords)
stem_uni_stop_one_hot = generate_tf_idf_matrix(stemmed_unigrams_stopwords,
generate_shared_vocabulary(stemmed_unigrams_stopwords), one_hot=True)
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_dev, y_dev = get_test_train_dev_split(stem_uni_stop_one_hot)
clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=r_seed, solver="sag"), y_train)
predictions = clf.predict(X_dev)
evaluate_model(y_dev, predictions)
accuracy: 0.8375
precision: 0.8111587982832618
recall: 0.8475336322869955
f1 score: 0.8289473684210525
The best performing feature set was thus lemmatization with stop-word removal
Let's define our SVM classifier and evaluate stemmed unigrams with stopword removal
from sklearn import svm
# svm classifer train and evaluation pipeline
def svm_classifier(feature_matrix):
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, X_dev, y_dev = get_test_train_dev_split(feature_matrix)
clf = svm.SVC(), y_train)
predictions = clf.predict(X_dev)
evaluate_model(y_dev, predictions)
accuracy: 0.8520833333333333
precision: 0.8247863247863247
recall: 0.8654708520179372
f1 score: 0.8446389496717724
SVM with lemmatized unigrams
accuracy: 0.85
precision: 0.8212765957446808
recall: 0.8654708520179372
f1 score: 0.8427947598253275
SVM with stemmed unigrams and no stopword removal
accuracy: 0.8520833333333333
precision: 0.8247863247863247
recall: 0.8654708520179372
f1 score: 0.8446389496717724
Our highest performing set for the SVM classifier was lemmatization with stopword removal
For our LogReg classifier we found that parallelizing does not increase performance. The tuned hyperparameters of our fine tuned model were as follows
- C = 1.5
- solver = "lbfgs"
- penalty = "l2"
- n_jobs = None (i.e. not parallelized)
clf = LogisticRegression(C=1.5,
n_jobs=None), y_train)
predictions = clf.predict(X_test)
evaluate_model(y_test, predictions)
accuracy: 0.83625
precision: 0.8329355608591885
recall: 0.8512195121951219
f1 score: 0.8419782870928829
The final tuned hyperparameters of our SVM model were as follows
- C = 0.9
- kernel = "rbf"
- gamma = "scale"
clf = svm.SVC(C=0.9,
gamma="scale"), y_train)
predictions = clf.predict(X_test)
evaluate_model(y_test, predictions)
accuracy: 0.82625
precision: 0.8086560364464692
recall: 0.8658536585365854
f1 score: 0.8362779740871613