- Feeling Responsive by @Phlow.
- If you like this theme then support Phlow. Just paypal.me/PhlowMedia.
Do you want to get to know Feeling Responsive? Than check it out first and have a look on its home at http://phlow.github.io/feeling-responsive/.
To get to know Feeling Responsive check out all the features explained in the.
Feeling Responsive is released under the MIT LICENSE
Feeling Responsive is heavily customizable.
- Language-Support :)
- Optimized for speed and it's responsive.
- Built on Foundation Framework.
- Six different Headers.
- Customizable navigation, footer,...
- Feeling Responsive is in active development. Thank you to everyone who contributed, especially [Róbert Papp], Alexandra von Criegern and Juan Jose Amor Iglesias.
- jQuery 3.4.0
- Sizzle.js
- FastClick: polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs
- Foundation Responsive Library
- matchMedia.js
- jquery.requestAnimationFrame
- Backstretch - v2.0.4 - 2013-06-19
- jQuery Mobile 1.1.0
- lunr.js search
- matchMedia
- matchMedia listener is optional
- jQuery Backstretch
- JQuery Mobile
jQuery requestAnimationFramedeprecated with JQuery 3.4.0- MediaElement.js
- Modernizr v2.8.3
- Pixabay images:
- Membership Highway sign by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images via Picpedia.org
- Unsplash