hosting unifi, pihole, gitea etc. using docker-compose and nginx
- System Setup
- Docker configuration
- Rclone and cron configuration
- Copyright Notice(s)
- Contributing to this Project
- Security Policy for this Project
Running on a x86-64 micro server, this configuration uses docker-compose to serve several useful network appliances via https. Each appliance is served as a unique fqdn through the nginx reverse proxy which also manages the tls certificates.
Each service runs inside the cargonet
docker network and is exposed via the nginx reverse proxy. Using pihole to serve memorable domain names "" results in a clean setup and very few ports shared with the host (currently a Dell OptiPlex 7040 micro PC).
- Unifi Controller (docker): Control all of my Ubiquiti/Unifi devices
- PiHole (docker): DNS-based adblocking
- NGM (docker): Nginx Reverse-Proxy with TSL/SSL Management
- Gitea (docker): Self-Hosted Source Forge (like GitHub)
- OpenSpeedTest (docker): SpeedTest the network via HTML5
- NTP Server (docker): Simple NTP server running on port 123
Useful Links / Further Reading:
- Dropbox + Rclone auto-backup of unifi-controller from
- Cloudflare DNS (
- Configure L2TP VPN in Unifi
- Generate a Secure PSK
- Firebog Block Lists: collection of adblock lists
Debian installer image:
This project used Debian linux, due to my familiarty with Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Rasbian) and the community, stability and support a popular distorbution offers. Debian 12 is supported until June 2026 (ref.)
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install htop
sudo apt install tmux
sudo apt install vim
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install docker-compose
sudo apt install rclone
sudo apt install smartmontools
edits to /etc/hostname
edits to /etc/hosts localhost cargoship
# allow this server to see git hosting
edits to /etc/network/interfaces
iface XXXXXXXXX inet static
restart network after configuration edits
sudo service networking restart
profile additions
# alias
alias ll='ls -lah'
alias cls='clear'
alias dc='docker-compose'
# functions
temp() {
paste <(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/type) <(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp) | column -s $'\t' -t | sed 's/\(.\)..$/.\1°C/'
ctop() {
docker run --rm -ti --name=ctop -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
# other
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@$(hostname -f)\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@$(hostname -f):\w\$ '
HDD S.M.A.R.T charcateristics
sudo smartctl -i /dev/sda -a
Check a NTP time server
sudo ntpdate -q
Check a NTP time server (from Windows)
w32tm /stripchart / /samples:1 /dataonly
Check disk usage
df -h
give user (adam) permission to run docker
sudo usermod -aG docker adam
create the network used by cargoship, we'll call this cargonet
docker network create cargonet
create the data and config folders
mkdir -p gitea/{data,config}
assign permissions
sudo chown 1000:1000 config/ data/
workaround to get crontab backing up unifi
sudo chown 1000:1000 unifi/
cd unifi/
sudo chown 1000:1000 data/
cd data/
sudo chown 1000:1000 backup/
cd backup/
sudo chown 1000:1000 autobackup/
execute command inside the docker container
pihole -a -p changeme
start up service xxxxx
dc up -d xxxxx
stop service xxxxx
dc stop xxxxx
view docker processes
dc ps
setup rclone
rclone config
simple config steps
enter key (client id = blank)
enter key (client secret = blank)
switch to wintows and install command line version
rclone authorize dropbox
switch back to linux and complete install
Paste the key
copy command for unifi (with progress)
rclone copy /home/adam/cargo/unifi/data/backup/ dropbox:Rclone/optiplex-unifi -P
sync command for gitea (with progress)
rclone sync /home/adam/cargo/gitea/data/git/ dropbox:Rclone/optiplex-gitea -P
sync command for nginx (with progress)
rclone sync /home/adam/cargo/nginx/ dropbox:Rclone/optiplex-nginx -P
configure backup jobs for all three, with crontab -e
, configure...
0 6 * * * rclone copy /home/adam/cargo/unifi/data/backup/ dropbox:Rclone/optiplex-unifi
0 4 * * 0 rclone sync /home/adam/cargo/gitea/data/git/ dropbox:Rclone/optiplex-gitea
0 3 7 * * rclone sync /home/adam/cargo/nginx/ dropbox:Rclone/optiplex-nginx
export crontab to a text file
crontab -l > ~/my-crontab.txt
- Debian name and Logo copyright of the Debian Project
- Dell Logo and Hardwre copyright of Dell Inc.
This project welcomes contributions of all types. We ask that before you start work on a feature that you would like to contribute, please read the Contributor's Guide.
This project seeks to build secure, versatile and robust portable software. If you find an issue, please report it following the Security Policy