- Introduction
- Timer class
- Runner class
- Step class
- Log wrapper
- System command wrapper
- Experiment settings class
- Experiment class
- Manager class
- Data models
- IO helpers
- App functions
A data analysis workflow frequently consists of a sequence of steps applied to datasets. The purpose of PyExp is to simplify fast creation and execution of such workflows. There are many complex tools like Taverna or Galaxy but lack of tools for simple execution of series of data processing steps. PyExp uses YAML files for keeping data and experiments settings. A preferable way to keep datasets is a tab delimited files. Each workflow steps can be extended with precondition, postcondition and checking functions. Computation results can be submitted to external webserver or MongoDB database.
PyExp includes four compoments:
- A class for fast model description.
- A class for experiment managing.
- A class for workflow description as a sequence of steps.
- And a class for simplified data IO.
- A class for running command line tools.
The data for the experiment consists of two parts:
- Data common to all projects to be running in the given experiment. For example, names of files or directories
- The project-specific data.
Timer class provides a wrapper for measuring execution time for a code fragment.
with Timer(name="Step name"):
>>> Started: [step_name]...
>>> Finished: [step_name] elapsed: [time]
Runner class provides a wrapper for runnig command line tools one by one or in parallel.
from PyExp import runner
command = "ls"
commands = [
runner.run(command, log_file=None, verbose=True)
# or with list of commands then it runs run_batch(...)
Or you can run all commands in parallel:
runner.run_parallel_no_output(commands, mock=False)
Or you can run all commands with queue in parallel:
runner.run_asap(commands, cpu=10, mock=False)
If you need output from command then use popen:
output, error = runner.popen(command, silent=False)
Every step has following properties:
- name, step name
- data, additional data for a function.
- cf, a function
- save_output flag, default False
- check_f, function that check status of the step after execution, default is None
- check_p, name of step that should be successfully executed (it should returns None or error text) before this step, default is None
- check_value, output value from the step that will be checked with check_p
Step initiation:
def cf(*arguments, **keywords):
def chech_f(*arguments, **keywords):
return "OK"
step = AbstractStep("step_name", None, cf, save_output=False, check_f=check_f, check_p="previous_step")
print step
>>> step_name
print step.get_as_dict().keys()
>>> ['name', 'cf', 'check', 'pre', 'save_output']
# or
print step.as_dict()
There are several loggers for various parts of experiment running:
timer_logger = Logger('timer logger')
exp_logger = Logger('exp logger')
core_logger = Logger('core logger')
runner_logger = Logger('run logger')
trseeker_logger = Logger('trseeker')
Settings initiation:
settings = AbstractExperimentSettings()
>>> ['files', 'folders', 'other', 'config']
# or
print settings.get_as_dict()
Each subclass of AbstractExperimentSettings must have three dictionaries (files, folders, other) that keep project's filenames, foldernames, and other parameters needed for workflow execution.
## Class for experiment description ### Experiments attributes:- settings, settings dictionary
- project, project dictionary
- name, experiment name, default 'default', can be changed with kwargs['name']
- logger, function for logging, default self.default_logger, can be changed with kwargs['logger']
- force, skip prerequisite checking for steps, default False, can be changed with kwargs['force']
- manager, project manager object, default None, can be changed with kwargs['manager']
- send_to_server, communicate with server during execution, default None, can be changed with kwargs['send_to_server']
- sp, number of added steps
- pid, current project pid
- sid2step, sid to step dictionary
- all_steps, steps dictionary
- settings["manager"], a link to manager instance
- settings["experiment"], a link to experiment instance
To create an experiment you should add self.all_steps list with step dictionaries in self.init_steps() method.
class AnnotationExperiment(AbstractExperiment):
''' Assembly annotation.
def init_steps(self):
''' Add avaliable steps.'''
self.all_steps = [
## Reports
'pre': None,
'stage': "Reports",
'name': "report_raw",
'cf': report_raw_data_statistics,
'check': None,
'desc': 'report',
## Data preparation
'pre': None,
'stage': "Preprocessing",
'name': "fastqc_raw",
'cf': cf_create_fastqc_reports_for_raw_reads,
'check': None,
'desc': 'Fastqc for raw files.',
Also you should create ExperimantSettings class and ProjectManager classes:
class ExperimentSettings(AbstractExperimentSettings):
''' ExperimentSettings class.
def __init__(self):
super(ExperimentSettings, self).__init__()
self.folders = {...}
self.files = {...}
self.other = {...}
class SomeProjectManager(ProjectManager):
""" Class for projects about something.
def _init_project(self, project_data):
"""Add initial data to project data dictionary."""
mandatory_params = ["path_to",
project = {}
for param in mandatory_params:
if not param in project_data:
raise ProjectManagerException("Add '%s' parameter to project data" % param)
setattr(self, param, project_data[param])
project[param] = project_data[param]
for key in project_data:
project[key] = project_data[key]
return project
pid = "some_pid"
manager = SomeProjectManager()
project, settings = manager.get_project(pid)
exp = AbstractExperiment(settings, project, name=None, force=False, logger=None, manager=manager, send_to_server=None)
Or you can use run_app function (see below):
exp_settings_class = ExperimentSettings
exp_class = AnnotationExperiment
manager_class = SomeProjectManager
dataset_dicts = {...}
run_app(exp_class, exp_settings_class, manager_class, dataset_dicts)
- settings, settings object
- project, project object
- name, experiment name, default is 'default'
- logger, function for logging, default None
- force, skip prerequisite checking for steps, default False
- manager, project manager object, default None
- send_to_server, communicate with server during execution, default None
To initiate available step you must add to subclass init_steps() method with list of steps.
### Avaliable methods related to steps management:- exp.add_step(step), add step with assigned sid (step_id)
- exp.get_all_steps(), returns list of step objects
- exp.get_available_steps(), returns registered steps
- exp.print_steps(), prints "Step [sid]: [string representation of step]" for each step
- exp.get_step(sid), returns step or None
- exp.find_step(step_name), returns step dict or None
- exp.find_steps_by_stage(stege), returns steps dict or None
- exp.remove_step(sid)
- exp.change_step(sid, new_step)
- exp.get_as_dict(), returns {'name':..., 'steps': [s.as_dict(),...]}
exp.execute(start_sid=0, end_sid=None, project_context=None)
An experiment class executes each added steps with following logic:
- Refresh project and settings from yaml file with manager instance using given project_context.
- If project data lacks "status" dictionary then it will be added.
- If status dictionary lacks step name then it will be added with None value
- Check preconditions:
- if force flag is true, then skip precondition check (go to 5)
- if step contains step.check_value and it is equal to self.project["status"][step.name] then the current step will be skipped (go to 1)
- If there is a logger function, then send a message about step start
- Execute step wrapped in Timer class
- if step.check_p is defined and it's a function then run it. If step.check_p returns something then stop step execution, save result in self.project["status"][step.name] (go to 1)
- if step.input is None them simply run step.cf(self.settings, self.project)
- else there are some value in step.input then add it to step.cf as the last argument
- If there is a logger function, then send a message about step finishing
- If flag save_output is true, then save step return to self.settings[step.name], if step returned a dictionaly then save key, values pairs into self.settings dictionary.
- Check current step status with self.check_step(step, cf_results) method.
- Update project including saving project data to yaml file.
There is an additional verification with step.check_f function if it is provided for the step, otherwise step returns value will be saved in project["status"][step.name] variable, step.check_f should be usual core function that takes settings, project arguments and returns some value that be saved in project["status"][step.name] variable. After each step check logger_update_project is called, so you can update server value with it if send_to_server is True.
Check step and returns None or result of checking:
exe_result = None
exp.check_step(step, exe_result)
Check ALL available steps with exp.check_step(step) and update project:
Set all step's statuses to None:
Check only added steps:
- exp.clear_settings(), set settings to None
- exp.get_settings()
- exp.remove_project_data, remove all project's files and folders listed in settings
A Custom logger function interface, default logger funciton send data to self.settings["config"]["url_exe_update"] url.
logger_func(pid, exp_name, step_sid, step_name, status)
Upload step status to self.settings["config"]["url_status_update"]:
exp.logger_update_status(pid, step_name, status)
Save project data and upload project to self.settings"config"]["url_project_update"]:
exp.logger_update_project(pid, project)
# or
exe.logger_send_project(pid, project)
Check all steps and upload project:
Simple function for uploading anything with POST request:
exp.upload_to_server(url, data)
Inner logic for uploading:
- if self.send_to_server is None then skip uploading
- if self._skip_server_part then skip uploading
- try three times upload to server with forth fail set elf._skip_server_part to True.
An expeirment manager provides project settings persistence using yaml files:
settings_class = AbstractExperimentSettings
manager = ProjectManager(settings_class, config_path=None)
Config file contains:
path_work_folder: /home/username/data
path_workspace_folder: /home/username/Dropbox
projects_folder: /home/username/managers/wgs
url_status_update: http://localhost:3015/api/update/project/status
url_ext_update: http://localhost:3015/api/update/project/exe
url_project_update: http://localhost:3015/api/add/project
url_experiment_update: http://localhost:3015/api/add/experiment
If not config_path is not provided then upon initiation the manager is trying to read OS specific yaml configuration file in the parent directory:
- config.win.yaml
- config.mac.yaml
- config.yaml (default and *nix)
Then it save settings from this file in self.config property. If the manager fails find settings file then it creates deffult self.config:
self.config = {
'path_work_folder': 'data',
'path_workspace_folder': '../..',
'projects_folder': 'projects',
Using settings from self.config it sets self.projects_folder (folder with project yaml files), self.work_folder (folder with project data), and self.settings_class.config = self.config.
### Project addingpid = "name"
projecy_data = {'path_to': 'path'}
manager.add_project(pid, project_data, init=False, force=False)
With force flag project yaml file will be deleted, otherwise if a yaml file exists then the manager raise exception. After project adding the manager calls self._init_project(...) which can be changed in subclasses for data initiation with project_data settings. With init flag it additinally calls sekf._init_data(...) which create all folders according to work_folder, path_to, and folder_path settings from settings_class.folders.
Also you can recheck parameters and create folders with:
manager.recheck_folders_and_params(pid, project_data)
project, settings = manager.get_project(pid)
A project dictionary contains data from project's yaml file. A settings dictionary contains data from settings class with correct paths according to work_folder path and path_to path.
Or reverse:
id = get_id_by_pid(pid, dataset_dict):
project_files = manager.get_all_projects()
from PyExp.models.abstract_model import AbstractModel
Class attributes:
- dumpable_attributes, a list of all attributes
- int_attributes, a list of int type attributes
- float_attributes, a list of float type attributes
- list_attributes, a list of list type attributes
- list_attributes_types, a dictionay of list attributes types
- other_attributes, a list of other types attributes
While initialisation each attribute is set to default values (0, 0.0, or None for list attributes).
A string representation of object is a tab-delimited string of dumpable attributes (preprocessed with self.preprocess_data() method) with \n end-symbol.
model = AbstractModel()
You can get model data as dictionary:
model_dict = model.get_as_dict()
# or
model_dict = model.as_dict()
Or as human friendly:
In JSON format with optional preprosessing by preprocess_func:
model_json = model.get_as_json(preprocess_func=None)
Model has preprocess_data method for any data preprocessing until returning. It can be implemented in nested classes.
In model defined setitem and getitem so you can access them both as dictinary and as object attributes.
## IO simplification classesIncludes classes:
- WiseOpener()
- AbstractFileIO()
- AbstractFolderIO()
- AbstractFoldersIO()
with WiseOpener(any_file) as fh:
data = fh.read()
Avaliable attributes:
- data
- N
Avalibale methods:
- read_from_file(input_file), data is saved in self.data.
- read_online(input_file), yield line
- read_from_db(db_cursor), yield item
- read_from_mongodb(table, query), yield item
- updata_mongodb(table, what, wherewith)
- write_to_file(output_file)
- write_to_db(db_cursor)
- write_to_mongodb(db_cursor)
- read_as_iter(source)
- iterate(skip_empty=True), iterate over data
- iterate_with_func(pre_func, iter_func)
- do(cf, **args), get result after cf(data, **args)
- process(cf, **args)
- clear(self)
- do_with_iter(self, cf, **args) -> [result,]
- process_with_iter(cf, **args)
- clear()
- do_with_iter(cf, **args), ger list of results after cf(data[i], **args)
- process_with_iter(cf, **args)
- sort(sort_func, reverse=True)
reader = AbstractFolderIO(folder, mask=".")
- iter_files(), yield file name
- get_files(), return list of file names
- iter_filenames(), yield file path
- get_filenames(), return list of file paths
- iter_path_names(), yield (name, full path)
- iter_file_content(), yield file content
- iter_file_content_and_names(), yield (data, name, full_path)
- move_files_by_mask(dist_folder)
- copy_files_by_mask(dist_folder)
from PyExp.readers.abstract_reader import *
- sc_iter_filepath_folder(folder, mask="."), yield full path
- sc_iter_filename_folder(folder, mask="."), yield file name
- sc_iter_path_name_folder(folder, mask="."), yield (file name, full path)
- sc_iter_filedata_folder(folder, mask="."), yield data
- sc_move_files(folder, dist_folder, mask=".")
- sc_process_file(file_name, cf, args_dict)
- sc_process_folder(folder, cf, args_dict, mask=".")
- sc_process_folder_to_other(folder, output_folder, cf, args_dict, mask=".", verbose=False)
- read_pickle_file(pickle_file), get data
To run experiment execution you can use:
from PyExp import run_app
run_app(exp_class, exp_settings_class, manager_class, dataset_dict)
Create and init all projects from dataset:
python experiment.py create dataset_name
Show available projects in dataset:
python experiment.py show dataset_name
Run with custom yaml script:
python experiment.py yaml yaml_path
Yaml content:
command: force
- step1
- step2
- step3
start: 0
end: 2
dataset: dataset_name
settings_context: <dict>
project_context: <dict>
Your can generate yaml:
python experiment.py yaml generate yaml_file
Usual usage
python experiment.py run step dataset_name
# or
python experiment.py check step dataset_name
# or
python experiment.py force step dataset_name
Or you can execute for project slice from dataset:
# check ids
python experiment.py show dataset_name
# and then
python experiment.py force step1 2 6 dataset_name