Designed a single cycle MIPS-alike processor with 32-bit word and 16-bit data size using Logisim as a term project for COMP303 - Computer Architecture course taught in Koç University
Instruction | Operation | Description |
add rd, rs, rt | rd = rs + rt | rd = destination, rs, rt = source |
sub rd, rs, rt | rd = rs – rt | rd = destination, rs, rt = source |
mult rs, rt | hi;lo = rs*rt | hi, lo: two 16-bit registers in multiplier unit to store 32-bit multiplication result |
and rd, rs, rt | rd = rs & rt | rd = destination, rs, rt = source |
or rd, rs, rt | rd = rs | rt | rd = destination, rs, rt = source |
addi rd, rs, I | rd = rs + I | rd = destination, rs = source, I = 16-bit immediate value |
sll rd, rs, shamt | rd = rs << shamt | rd = destination, rs = source, shamt = shift amount |
slt rd, rs, rt | rd = (rs < rt) | rd = 1 if rs < rt, otherwise rd = 0 |
mfhi rd | rd = hi | Load hi from multiplier unit into register rd |
mflo rd | rd = lo | Load lo from multiplier unit into register rd |
lw rd, i(rs) | rd = rs[i] | rd = destination, rs = base address, i = offset |
sw rs, i(rd) | rd[i] = rs | rd = base address, rs = source, i = offset |
beq rs, rt, label | if (rs == rt) jump to label | rs, rt = registers to compare, label = label to jump to |
blez rs, label | if (rs <= 0) jump to label | rs = register to compare, label = label to jump to |
j label | Jump to label | label = label to jump to |
adds rd, rs, I | rd = rs + I | rd = address, rs = source, I = 16-bit immediate value |
Coded an assembler in python that is capable of handling labels and comments.
python input [output]
addi $1, $0, 0 # address of array a in RAM
addi $2, $0, 0 # loop variable i
addi $3, $0, 5 # loop contant 5
loop: beq $2, $3, exit # if i == 6 goto exit
add $4, $1, $2 # address of a[i]
lw $5, 0($4) # a[i]
adds $4, $5, 10 # a[i] = a[i] + 10
addi $2, $2, 1 # i = i + 1
j loop
exit: addi $9, $0, 1 # Does not serve any purpose